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Liberal Party Sponsorship Corruption Scandal-linked Lafleur gets 42 mths

Rewriting history 101.

Liberalvision CTV reports on this, managing to somehow never once mention the word “LIBERAL”.  Not once. 


Former ad man Lafleur sentenced to 45 months

Updated Wed. Jun. 27 2007 3:26 PM ET News Staff

Montreal ad man Jean Lafleur has been hit with a 45-month sentence for his role in the infamous sponsorship scandal.

CTV’s Jed Kahane told Newsnet from Montreal that Lafleur’s sentence is the toughest handed down so far.

Chuck Guite, a key federal bureaucrat, received a 42-month sentence. He is appealing that sentence.

In addition, Lafleur has been slapped with an order to repay the $1.5 million he pilfered from the now-defunct program.

Lawyer Jean-Claude Hebert had said his client is too saddled with debt to repay that sum and asked instead for a 30-month sentence.

Jean Brault, another Montreal ad man involved in the scandal, received a 30-month sentence.

Lafleur returned to Canada from the Caribbean country of Belize in April and pleaded guilty to 28 charges of fraud. He has been in custody since then, which will count towards the time he is serving.

Lafleur’s advertising firm helped the federal government place tens of millions of dollars worth of ads in Quebec in the period after the hotly-contested 1995 sovereignty referendum, one the federalists won by about 50,000 votes.

As a result, Lafleur and other members of his family paid themselves a total of $12 million.

However, he did work of little or no real value. During his testimony at the Gomery Inquiry into the sponsorship scandal, Lafleur seemed to have a very spotty memory.

Kahane said the sentencing judge told Lafleur that he didn’t do himself any favours with his Gomery testimony.

Even the state-run leftist CBC mentioned the Liberal Party, but hilariously, it was framed such that they were but a victim, which was “rocked” by the scandal— to wit:

“Lafleur is one of the key figures in the federal sponsorship scandal that rocked Quebec and the Liberal Party.”

The far-left Toronto Star is apoplectic about it, to the point where (online) they have apparently decided to ignore it in favor of biding their time while noted conservative former owner of their arch rival National Post awaits the verdict on his trial. 


Toronto Star (online) still not on it at 2:54 PM PDT, some two hours after Vancouver Sun published the story on their site (in which they also fail to type the word “liberal” even once).

The liberals’ Globe and Mail did mention the word “Liberal”, once, barely, in passing. 

The Canadian Press story, which lots of newspapers and other media pick up and use as their story (they own CP), fails to mention the word “liberal” even once.  Not once.

Toronto Star (online) on it at 6:10 PM (3:10 PM PDT) but shunts it off their front page (still on Conrad Black death watch), and they use the CP story. 


Joel Johannesen
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