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Liberal “news” media is now anything but; Their opinion and instruction come first.

image I’ve mentioned before how liberal newspapers like the Vancouver Sun have taken to shoving the actual “news” off their pages, and do what they really want to do instead: Tell you how to think… like a liberal.

Often, the whole front page and sectional front pages are dominated not by news reports from objective, professional news reporting journalists, but rather by two or more huge articles by their liberal OPINION columnists, instead of news. 

The liberal media can’t stand the facts and the truth, and they can’t hide their hatred for their opponents.  So they skirt the facts and just present their opinions, yet they present it as “news”.  How to think, what to think.  They don’t report as much as they decide.  Then they sort of report on page C-13, now that they’ve already molded the minds of many.

And that way, they can instruct, in huge headlines, that Sarah Palin didn’t “make a speech”, she “made a speech that sucked”.  She didn’t tell the truth.  She “lied”.  Sure it’s just some ass’s poorly-written opinion (Michael Carey), but it’s a headline on the front page of a newspaper, so many will take that as “the news”. 

The newspaper knows that.  They’re doing it on purpose. 

They know many people glace at headlines for the news, instead of actually reading articles.  And even if they don’t, they know that they’re creating a sort of “zeitgeist”.  A “meme”.  The hip pop culture trend they want you to embrace.  A “group think” for the stupid sheeple, which is what they think YOU are. 

The one I included here is just one blatant example.  It’s all over the newspaper.  It’s a “here’s how to think like a liberal” paper.  It’s not a newspaper. 

Even the opinion piece they carefully chose today for their “CANADA-WORLD” section’s front page is an instruction sheet by another Palin hater (we get it, liberals, you are freaked-out by her, and want us to hate her) about how stupid and dishonest Sarah Palin is, more than a well-thought-out opinion piece based on facts and truth.  That’s fine for a political blog that is up-front about being political, and is self-acknowledged to be such (like PTBC), but for a newspaper that hold themselves out to be a neutral and objective purveyor of truth (even if their claim is hideous), we used to expect more. 

“…The only thing we can be absolutely sure of is this: Palin did not tell the truth when she said she is leaving for the good of Alaskans. She is leaving for her own good. With Sarah Palin, “ me” always comes first…”

That’s pure Bull crap.   That’s the only thing “we” can be “absolutely sure of”.


The Vancouver Sun is a CanWest company.

Letters to editor:
[email protected] 

Editor-in-chief, The Vancouver Sun:
Patricia Graham
Fax: 604-605-2323
[email protected]

CanWest also owns:
· Global television network
· National Post
· Calgary Herald
· Montreal Gazette
· Windsor Star
· The Star Phoenix
· Edmonton Journal
· Ottawa Citizen
· Times Colonist
· The Province
· Leader Post
· countless community newspapers
· several cable channels
· web site


From: Dean
Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 7:28 AM
Subject: Liberal “News”

It is a sad state of affairs when most of our newspapers behave this way. Many years ago a gentleman named Conrad Black purchased a group of papers including the Kitchener Waterloo Record. Mr. Black’s dictum: news should be on the news pages, and opinion should be on the opinion pages. Within a very short time I stopped yelling “bullcrap!” at the paper as I read it. The effect on the KW Record was profound, and largely remains to this day with some slips from time to time (it is owned by the red Star now).
Conrad Black is in jail, but if there were any justice, newspaper editors would be in jail for journalistic fraud and Conrad Black would be restoring basic distinctions between news and opinion in all the papers of our land!


Hi Dean,

I agree they should at least restore the basic distinctions between news and opinion as a start.  Or at least they might be told to stop with the blatant farce wherein they actually pretend partisan opinion is “the news”.  And stop this pretense wherein they pretend they’re being fair and balanced and objective, when in fact they’re being politically, socially, economically, liberal and liberal-left or even Fabian socialists.  It’s this in-your-face dishonesty that bothers me as much as anything.  People—their readers—are being informed by what they grew up trusting to be one the bastions of facts and honesty, but which are actually pretty scurrilous sheets predicated on lies and dishonesty and political propaganda.



Joel Johannesen
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