Thursday, May 2, 2024

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Liberal MP Sukh Dhaliwal wasted $6,297 of YOUR TAXPAYER CASH to fly to Germany, first class

image How is this a core function of government?

Sukh Dhaliwal didn’t need to fly to Leipzig, Germany, in May of this year, FIRST CLASS, on our dime, to attend another phony, useless, big-government, waste of taxpayer money: the “International Transport Forum”.  But he did anyway.  It cost us $6,296.89 to fly him there.  Have a nice day.

Some of the valuable workshops the Liberal Sukh Dhaliwal might have attended (no doubt at extra cost to taxpayers): 

•  Intermodal Transport and Supply Chains
•  Social Impacts of International Transport [Actual first words in the description of that workshop:  “Policies to address the distribution of wealth…”]
•  Strategic Transport Infrastructure Planning and Finance
•  Ensuring a Secure Global Transport System
•  Environmental Impacts of International Transport [Seriously?  Environmental impacts?]

Unlike us lowlife serfs who fly coach if we fly at all to resorts in Germany after first ensuring we pay our taxes so Sukh Dhaliwal can fly there first class, MPs (even opposition party MPs like Sukh Dhaliwal) fly FIRST CLASS on our dime.  Because they’re special.  More special than you.  See?  It costs us many times more ($6,296.89) than when they fly coach (something like $1,500 —and who doesn’t have that kind of cash laying around?!).  Us lowlives who work our butts off and save for years to fly to Germany, do so with our leftover money after paying our taxes, so that Sukh Dhaliwal can fly FIRST CLASS to resorts in Germany for no good reason. 

But by golly our roads and highways sure have improved since Sukh Dhaliwal took that trip!  Those potholes have disappeared!  Traffic is sailing along!  Bridges have stopped crumbling!  Government-run civic transport systems aren’t bankrupt at all, and they all work marvelously! 

The Liberal Party Too government’s Minister of Transport, John Baird, flew there too, FIRST CLASS.  Another absolute waste of taxpayer money. 

And pretty pollute-y too, Mr. Environment!

Flying in jet aircraft is about the most pollute-y thing a human can do.  But since they’re the government, or opposition, they don’t care. They’re above that concern.  They’re special.  Rules are for the common people.  Not them.  They live by a different set of rules:  Easier.  More fun.  Care-free.  FIRST CLASS.  With huge salaries, gold-clad pension plans and huge expense accounts.  And first-in-line medical care.

Dhaliwal once wrote:

Unfortunately, Stephen Harper doesn’t understand climate change. He doesn’t appreciate that Canada is also highly susceptible to increases in temperature. As a northern country, our existing ecosystems are in jeopardy, along with much of our economy. In British Columbia, we are already experiencing the effects of global warming with a drastic reduction in the number of salmon returning to spawn and the spread of the mountain pine beetle that threatens the entire forest industry.

But Sukh Dhaliwal understands climate change. 

imageJohn Baird, who also flew there FIRST CLASS, for no good reason, is the one who keeps beating the “environmental crisis” drum and insisting that we’re in what they call a “man-made global warming” emergency crisis and panic syndrome from which we will never escape unless we invoke all manner of planet-saving actions, NOW!  Which I presume includes turning down the heat and putting on a sweater, changing our light bulbs to those vile, ghostly, mercury-filled $15 twisty things,  and certainly not traveling to European resorts for no good reason, like, say, phony conferences dreamt-up by “progressive” do-gooder, know-it-all, special politicians. 

As soon as he was appointed as Minister of the Environment in January of 2007, John Baird seemed to entirely change the Conservative government’s course (which was to be properly skeptical about the “settled science” of the “man-made global warming”), and he seemed to sign us up with the huge special-interest forces of the enviro lobby.  He instructed us stupids that according to the “science” (which has officially been “settled”), all possible things must henceforth be done to ease the crisis that man—evil evil man—is foisting upon Mother Earth.  As I said, I understood that involved not flying around in jet aircraft, unless it was an emergency;  and of course also paying more taxes to the government so they could grow bigger, and then manage our lives and our families even better, because of course they know better than we do just how to do that. 

Then in 2007 Baird attended an “environmental” conference at a luxury Indonesian resort in in Bali, wherein our betters, the big-government politicians and know-it-alls to whom we pay our taxes, emitted nearly 100,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, just getting there and back, according to estimates. 

Sukh Dhaliwal

Constituency Office
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Surrey, BC V3W 3N5

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John Baid

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Ottawa, Ontario
K2B 7E9

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Fax: (613) 993-6501

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