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Liberal MINI-MEs

One tenant said:  “It just shows arrogance, and it’s wasteful. These guys think of themselves as regal.”  Or to put it another way, they were appointed by liberals and are liberals and taxpayers pay for it all.

A federal employee who begged to go unnamed, said, “This is stupid. That’s our tax money.”  Or to put it another way, they were appointed by liberals and are liberals and taxpayers pay for it all.

Judges’ drivers on easy street

OTTAWA (CP) — Chauffeurs for Federal Court judges were accustomed to certain comforts back when they were housed in the Supreme Court of Canada.

Private bathrooms, kitchen facilities, lockers, phone lines, a car wash.

So when they moved a few blocks to a downtown building three years ago, the Federal Court made sure they got the same kind of digs.

The bill: $185,000, footed by Ottawa, according to documents obtained through the Access to Information Act.

[…] When they moved into their offices, the justices also got a private elevator and the facility for their 13 chauffeurs.

[…] “These washrooms will not be shared with the private tenants, retail tenants, or the public,” wrote Myles Forget, a bureaucrat with Public Works.

“Although there are four private washrooms on this floor for retail tenants use only, the Federal Court feels this is unacceptable and they want their own washrooms.”

Forget added that a Federal Court employee “was extremely annoyed, and possibly angry” when it was suggested chauffeurs use the existing washrooms.

The car wash provided for the drivers cost $10,000, mostly to install equipment that was brought over from the Supreme Court building. Before their arrival, parking attendants in the building were washing tenants’ cars for $10.

Documents suggest the drivers wash the judges’ cars four times a day.

Imagine how the liberal judges think of themselves.

(Hat tip:  Mister Kim)

Joel Johannesen
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