Thursday, May 2, 2024

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Liberal media bandwagon hitches to commons sense rocket

I hate to dis’ the National Post and their editorial board and writers because they’re on the right track, but honestly.  Not only is this David Asper (owner of paper!) editorial a little late and a little dispassionate, but (and you just have to take my word for it as a westerner) it also demonstrates a large measure of that very typically Torontonian or Ontarian display of self-centeredness and amply shows how they are not wise to the ways of non-Ontarian Canada. 

Toronto’s anonymous killjoy

[…]According to her bio, Ms. Glebova is a Russian immigrant to Canada. Overcoming language and cultural barriers in her new land, she received a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Ryerson University and has worked as a motivational speaker for students in the Toronto area. She is also a model, as well as a trained classical pianist and athlete who has won a number of regional gymnastic competitions. Her accomplishments in life, including winning the Miss Universe Pageant, probably far exceed those of the pointy-headed polcorite who tried to shoot her down. Which of the two, one might ask, is the better role model? Which is giving more to society?

Thankfully, Toronto Mayor David Miller stepped in and did the proper thing by apologizing for the cock-up. But one has to wonder: In a city that annually opens its streets (municipal property, of course) to celebrate a parade of gay, transsexual and transgendered people, how is it that Miss Universe, an accomplished, successful woman, becomes verboten?

Would this happen in any other Canadian city? Not a chance. […]

Nonsense.  The National Post owners and editors might want to get out more.  I know that Torontonians think the entire world revolves around them, but actually, stupidity isn’t limited to Toronto unfortunately.  This sort of thing is commonplace in liberal Canada.  It’s a veritable epidemic.

This isn’t a civic or regional problem.  This story is about liberals and the left gone awry.  In all of Canada but yes, especially the cities.  The city of Vancouver and its council chambers are consumed by neo-communists the likes of which liberals in Toronto could only dream about.  In Vancouver, they’d sooner have a Che Guevara parade than a Macy’s parade only because Macy’s might include Santa Claus (Christian!) and Macy’s is private enterprise (evil!), Macy’s is American (eviler!  Bush!  Halliburton!), and wouldn’t likely include any pro-communist floats, pro gay-lifestyle and gay-marriage floats, or pro Islamic terrorist floats (intolerable intolerance!).  Gay Pride parades in Vancouver occur on Sunday, specifically, through the city’s streets and past the public squares.  But would you ever see a Business Pride parade?  Not on your life.  Far from “proud”, business in Vancouver has run with tails between legs to Calgary where they aren’t shamed daily.  How about a “Christmas” parade?  Don’t even joke about it.  That would be so past-two-thousand-years—unless of course it’s a “gay Christmas” theme.  Then it would be subsidized. 

(Note also that the Post or Asper is obviously—embarrassingly even—trying ever so hard to coin a new word, “polcorites”, to describe those politically-correct bureaucrats, the likes of which caused this Miss Canada/Universe fiasco.  They introduced the word and then used it seven times in their short little editorial—once even using a derivation of it, polcorism.  The National Post and David Asper may be closer to the common sense side than the Globe and Mail or Toronto Star, but they’re hardly a bastion of the anti-political-correctness brigade.)

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