Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Liberal Frenchman Dion asleep at the cafe wagon; wakes up, falls asleep again.

The Liberal Frenchman Stephane (the “Green Guru”) Dion opened his vital question period question today with another unhinged, angry beyond words in either official language (including socialist), “question”, ending with the ever so articulate, original, and oh yeah used on April 19 in EXACTLY the same way,

”…When will the Prime Minister wake up and smell the coffee?!!!”

DEJA VU:  I wrote about it in an April 19 entry called “Liberal Frenchman Dion asleep at the cafe wagon”.  If Dion can repeat it, I can too—especially since it was almost EXACTLY the same in every which way.  Here’s what I wrote:

Seething, practically unhinged, angry-beyond-belief Liberal Frenchman Stephane (the “Green Guru”) Dion rises and asks his big, very important first question today, in the ever so useful House of Commons Question Period, in relation to our economy, on your behalf, Canadian taxpayer: 

”…When will the Prime Minister wake up and smell the coffee?!!!”


Smell the coffee!  Oooh!  Oh my!  Where in tarnation did he drum up that oh so original poke-in-the-eye?  Did Iggy write that li’l bon mot for him?  What intellect! What political prowess!  What a strategist!  What maturity!  How statesman-like!  How useful!  How insightful!  Surely this will help Canada!

Then the Liberal MPs behind him all went ape poop, stood, and joyously clapped as if The Great Obama had just said the ever so brilliant “Yes we can!!!” for the 8 millionth time.  (Many Conservatives simply properly laughed at him). 

Here are the facts with regard to Dion.  Here’s what we can take home from this today, fellow Canadians: What a picayune doorknob

Here’s my first question of the day, which has much more import and utility than the Liberal Dion’s:  When will somebody over there at Team Liberal turn the knob, open the door, kick his butt through it, slam it behind him, and save us all some time and trouble?

Joel Johannesen
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