Sunday, May 5, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Liberal candidate tells non-Liberal citizen to leave Canada—go to U.S.

In my email, I constantly get told by liberals to leave Canada.  Some Liberals don’t much like the whole “democracy” thing so much.  It’s their way or the highway—but I don’t have to tell you that—just listen to current Liberal leader Paul Martin. 

Some seem to have learned from other world leaders about that “cleansing” program by which (in Canada’s case) Canada would be “cleansed” of conservative-thinking folks.  Some, it seems, would prefer a one-party socialist state free of conservatives with all our bothersome “values” and “morals”.  I do see their point of course. 

Yesterday, a Liberal candidate in Ontario, Don Lindsay, lost it at an all-candidate’s meeting and started leaking some of that famous Liberal-left tolerance that we all hear so much about, daily, 87 times per day.  That famous Liberal-left tolerance is a “Canadian value”, dontcha know. 

The all-candidates meeting was put on by the Outdoor Sportsman’s Club.  The thrust of the meeting was to be guns and hunting and the sportsman’s rights to, well, sport.  The Conservative candidate Cheryl Gallant was there but the NDP candidate didn’t show up.  Hiding away from tough questions I guess.  Huh. 

The Liberal candidate was apparently a little agitated.  At one point he let slip that he was “not a fan of the long gun registry”.  Oops.  Team Martin/ Hargrove/ Julie Van Dusen/ CBC/ Liberal should catch wind of that and explain how he’s not a member of Team “progressive” any more. 

But later, the Liberal started oozing brain poo. 

A Canadian veteran named George Tomkins rose to ask “If the handgun ban goes forward.  What plan would your party offer to compensate those of us who legally own the guns that would be confiscated?”

This was when Liberal Lindsay revealed his inner Liberal by replying: 

“Sir America is our neighbor not our nation, if you elect a society that talks about that kind of perspective I suggest that perhaps you go there!”

In juxtaposition, Conservative candidate Cheryl Gallant answered with:  “George I have seen you at the legion in uniform representing our country and I hope you stay in Canada”.

Choose your Canada.

Joel Johannesen
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