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Liberal media suddenly find “context and perspective” after Dems’ anti-mothers comment

Hilary Rosen, the expert Democratic Party spokesman and 35-time White House visitor (compare with Gen. David Petraeus’ 9 visits) is an idiot for making the remarks she made yesterday about Ann Romney having “never worked a day in her life.”  The fact that Rosen has been hired by the Obama (reminder: he’s the genius orator) administration and DNC officials as another of their “communications experts” is simply more delightful irony. There’s your context and perspective.

The liberal media happily quotes and makes headlines out of totally out-of-context remarks made by, well, any conservative or Republican. They completely ignore their journalistic imperative  — their jobs  —  which is or should be to provide at least some context and perspective. But when it comes to a left-winger’s idiotic gaffes (or for the sake of accuracy, shall we say “oops, I let the cat outta the bag there a little didn’t I?”), they can’t find enough context and perspective in all the world. And suddenly the apology is all that really matters, let’s Move On, and there’s nothing to see here, folks.

For example here’s ABC News’ coverage just now, as they now happily overlook what Rosen said, and focus on her apology instead:

CNN’s hardly objective news anchor Soledad O’Brien, in her search for truth and clarity (just for a minute), found it appropriate to Tweet, just now, “Here’s what’s inaccurate: “never worked a day in her life” to a parent. It’s just not accurate. Over the line I think.”  Gee. Ya think? Thanks for that harsh analysis. Now back to the white-washing.

Hilary Rosen has now issued an apology, but there are apologies I can buy, and others I can’t. This is one I can’t.

Rosen claims today that her words during her CNN interview were “poorly chosen.”

No. This is something you can claim after accidentally saying something you didn’t really mean, and it just came out the wrong way. It’s not a claim you can make after you’d said the words, forcefully, thoughtfully, in an un-rushed environment in which you’re totally comfortable (CNN, where she’s another paid liberal talker, with frequent face-time on that channel), and after then doubling-down and making the exact same comment the day later, and then just to add icing on the cake, writing a huge tripling-down opinion column about it at the left-wing Huffington Post.

Those aren’t “poorly chosen” words accidentally uttered, they’re  horrible, anti-women or at least anti stay-at-home mother principles which leaked out of your left-wing feminazi noggin, possibly accidentally, or at least contra-strategically. I’ve often said liberals were the sexist ones who didn’t give women enough credit, and this helps prove it. It also provides more proof of the lefts’ sneering condemnation of women who choose to stay at home and raise good families, instead of joining the tax-paying government-growing minion force like good workers should, unless they chose to go on welfare, which is also good.

Hilary Rosen at left, Ann Romney at right
Hilary Rosen at left, Ann Romney at right

The left lob these well-practiced, carefully chosen word bombs all the time.  Obama does it every single day. Then, about half the time, they walk it back or obfuscate around it, the media suddenly assumes its proper role of actually reporting stories with context and perspective (for just this one story, then it’s back to normal), and they fall over themselves explaining, for the gaffer, “what they really meant,” all day long.

But I think as often as not they really meant exactly what we heard. Liberals plant these seeds, water them down when it explodes in their faces, then walk away, hoping the seed actually takes root, all the while pointing to their supposedly earnest “apology” for having “misspoke” or having used some “poorly chosen words” to provide cover until their next bomb is dropped. You can’t see the smirk on their faces as their penultimate mission is already neatly accomplished.  “Let’s declare peace in this phony war and go back to focus on the substance,” she glibly said today. “Peace,” she implores, after having waged a war.

The idea that Hillary Rosen dismisses it in her faux apology today as the “Faux War Against Stay-at-Home Moms” and figuratively flashes the lefts’ sacred “peace” sign at people who are now outraged at her comments and advising them to simply “put it to rest” (here’s what she actually said in her unbelievable, arrogant apology: “Let’s Put the Faux ‘War Against Stay-at-Home Moms’ to Rest” ) is literally an insult. And not just to women  —  to voters writ large.  The Democrats and the left generally, have in fact created a well-crafted, but totally BS narrative (read “faux”), accusing the Republicans (all of ’em generally, mind you  —  including its women) of launching and being a part of a secret, conspiratorial ‘War Against Women’. If nothing else, at least this latest left-wing gaffe-fest should put an end to all that specious crap.

Ann Romney, by the way, aside from having raised 5 great children, which is a full-time job and is hard work, has also done a lot of good in her community. She has Multiple Sclerosis, and is a breast cancer fighter. I personally think she knows a thing or two about “working a day in her life.”

Joel Johannesen
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