“If we don’t listen to what scientists are finding, what are we going to do?! Listen to the Bible?”
–– Left-wing “man-made global warming” alarmist David Suzuki in Australia this week.

That was just one of the juicy bits of left-wing idiocy spewed by David Suzuki.
I just blew an hour of my life watching a video of the left-wing science/politician and blowhard.
Socialists, liberals, and all other progressives agree Suzuki is an icon and a genius, on account of his kneeling at the alter of the “man-made global warming” dogma, socialism as a general matter, and his rabid anti-industry and business activism. Oh and Gaia.
I don’t see him as a hero. I think he’s a left-wing fascist.
And a religious zealot. See, he believes in the phony goddess “Gaia.” So much so, that it seems to have blinded him to science. I happen to believe religion and science can coexist, but not when you’re as absorbed in the “Gaia” dogma as he is.
The video was of Suzuki in a Q&A in the friendly Australian airwaves. By “friendly Australian airwaves,” I mean their state-owned, taxpayer-funded ABC — which is the Australian comrade of Canada’s left-wing CBC. State-owned, taxpayer-funded places are the only places leftists like Suzuki ever feel comfortable.
As quoted atop this page, at the 19:30 mark, Suzuki mocks people who believe in the Bible (instead of science, as he’d have it). Then this doozy came up at 20:50.
Caller: David, you urged at least twice, that legal ways should be found, to jail politicians for denying what you call the science of climate change. David, do you still hold that view?
Suzuki: You bet.
Then at 21:50
Moderator: Are you seriously suggesting that politicians should be tried and even jail for exercising free speech?
Suzuki: …Well I haven’t really thought it through…” [but yes].
Later, he accused “deniers” of “inter-generational crimes,” for which he re-emphasized that they should be prosecuted.
Then at 28:00 Suzuki suggests that Prime Minister Harper is building jails for the sole purpose of jailing climate activists (like him.)
Suzuki: I wonder if our Prime Minister thinks he’s going to be creating new categories of crime like eco-terrorism!” (protip: it already is a crime, numbskull).
At 34:18, Suzuki is asked if he’s an atheist.
Moderator: Incidentally are you an atheist?
Suzuki: I AM an atheist.
Suzuki then declares that he’s a quiet atheist who doesn’t go around trying to convert everyone to his atheism. Sure, David.
Then this:
Moderator: Does “Gaia” exist for you?
Suzuki the atheist: Sure! I think “Gaia” is real! …
OK stop laughing. This is science! No, actually, Gaia is a mythological goddess of the Earth. That’s a scientific fact, Suzuki, you Gaia-believin’ atheist scientist.
At the 35:50 mark, Suzuki repeats the now firmly debunked notions surrounding DDT, the banning of which (at the hands of extremists like Suzuki) is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people (some estimates go much higher). It’s almost as if Suzuki refuses to read about the science proving him devastatingly wrong, which is all around him. That’s hardly the mark of a true scientist.
At the 53:00 mark, Suzuki repeats his idiotic and rather ironic “Canada is full” mantra.
Suzuki: We are way over the capacity of Canada to support the population we have!
Notwithstanding such idiocy, like most progressives, Suzuki boasts some sort of superiority about the level of knowledge he possesses surrounding, well, anything, but certainly “climate change.” But Suzuki has apparently sheltered himself from all the science, such as the vast opposing science, which proves the alarmists’ science faulty, and exposes the models used by them as wrong. Again like most progressives, Suzuki seems utterly ignorant of the full breadth of the science on the subject. Therefore, you could say Suzuki’s actually a fundamentalist. A left-wing or atheist fundamentalist.
And of course I have to remind you that like almost all progressives, Suzuki is a hypocrite. For example, I’m quite sure that he didn’t swim, or build a birch-bark canoe to paddle down to Australia. I’m pretty sure he flew in a massive jet airliner, thereby spewing all manner of pollutants into the air, and dumping CO2 all over the Pacific ocean.
It sort of reminds me of when he embarked onto his mammoth diesel-powered luxury motor-coach for his cross-country enviro-political campaign several years ago.
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