In its latest oh-so-academic move based on pure “science” and “facts”, the militant and extreme left-wingers that comprise the arguably Marxist BC teachers’ labor union (and de facto far-left political party and part owner of the BC branch of the you’ve got to be kidding party) is now counseling its troops — sorry its clerics — sorry again! — its teachers — to instruct the naughty government to maintain the now mercifully near-dead long-gun registry. Of course MPs from all parties just properly voted to abandon the idiotic registry, in the most sensible and positive thing that has been accomplished in Canada’s parliament in ages.
The teachers’ union is citing the dubious “fact” that the registry has reduced gun crimes in Canada. These are the very same people teaching our nation’s children “facts” in state-owned, state-run schools.
Teachers urged to protest changes to gun registry
By Janet Steffenhagen
13 Nov 2009
[Vancouver Sun]The latest staff alert from the B.C. Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) urges members to oppose legislation, now before Parliament, that would remove rifles and shotguns from the Canadian gun registry.
Contact your MP by telephone, email or in person to protest the changes, the union says.
It argues that guns in the home represent a particular threat to women and are one of the leading risk factors for the murder of women in domestic violence and says gun laws have helped reduce gun-related death, injury, violence and suicide. …

From: “David N”
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 8:13 AM
Subject: Latest in left-wing activism: teachers’ union political militants in PRO gun registry battleJoel
Hilarious stuff there. They care about the welfare of women??? Pretty Rich. Yet when they hear crimes such as honor killings and abuse of women in the name of a religion they nary say a word. Not sure of the word that describes that? Perhaps you have a few.
Oh yes they’re against the war in Afghanistan and in Iraq, which, among the primary grand objectives in each country, is the liberation and safety — the freedom — of women and children.
This is what you call mindless, sycophantic, ideological, left-wing (or “progressive” —wink!) madness. Another good term is “useful idiots”. And so we have “useful idiots” teaching our children at taxpayer expense.
As “their” kids say: awesome.
From: MARK S
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 10:03 AM
To: itsaquestion
Subject: Gun Control Proponent next doorHi Joel,
I grabbed this some time ago so I can’t recall who should be credited. However, it’s great.
Mark S
I once offered to give away these stickers for free, to any gun control advocates, to stick on their front doors. But then I thought better of it —I didn’t want them to get robbed, or whatever…
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