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Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Just heard: new term for “hooker” on state-run media!

JUST HEARD:  On the liberal-leftists’ state-run media’s “Newsworld” channel (I put “Newsworld” in quotes largely because they pretend that showing fringe leftist movies during the holidays like Michael Moore’s Bowling for Columbine is legitimately in their “news channel” mandate) “news” anchor Sarika Sehgal tossed a story on murdered prostitutes (whom she called “sex trade workers”) to a field “reporter” named Kim Trynacity, who went ahead and took it a step further and “progressed” the term to “street-trade workers”, eliminating the word “sex” altogether.  Again, that’s “street-trade workers”. 

Next year at this time, they will be called “fellatio professionals” and state-run universities will offer degree programs.  And are ya like me?  Do you smell a new source for Governors-General, finally replacing the CBC?

The obsessively politically-correct automaton “progressives” at the liberals’ state-run CBC continue, as I personally think they are counselled to do one way or another, to dutifully push the liberal-left agenda which includes a transparent effort to redefine Canada and its level of tolerance for all things depraved and immoral, to suit their liberal-leftist moral relativist world view.  As it is, the liberal-left hate Canada.  It must be changed or in their terminology, it must “progress”.  That’s how we got lewd, pornographic, state-subsidized gay pride parades marching down our local streets on summer Sundays, while Christmas Nativity scenes are banned from the public square.  That’s the epitome of “progress” to the liberal-left.

imageAs we know, the liberal-left perceive such social depravity as prostitution and gay “massage” parlors and bath houses and their Supreme Court even gave the nod to group sex houses as legitimate pastimes—as perfectly delightful things no better or worse than being, say, a stay-at-home mother—OK well maybe better than that in their eyes but no worse than being, say, a banker;  and they in fact seek to, and are succeeding in, converting it all into normal, acceptable, honorable, legal occupations.  There are actually Liberals and members of Jack Layton’s you’ve got to be kidding party who are actively seeking to legalize not just pot smoking for our kids, but prostitution for all of us and our families too.  Fantastic.  As long as they keep Christianity out of the schools, we’ll all be saved, liberal-style. 

This, the “progressives” think, will “progress” Canada and attract the best and brightest to our country.  Go team.  Vote liberal.

Listen as they now always refer to hookers as “sex trade workers” almost as if they are plying a “trade” at par with the great tradition of actual skilled trades, such as carpentry or masonry.  So like “marriage” and “Canadian family”, they are attempting to redefine things — this time the practice of being a filthy prostitute — and are trying to have you accept their redefinition of it (at least in the Canadian psyche), and get you dumb peons to call it the “sex trade industry”.  “Prostitution” is so, well, not “progressive”-sounding.  Like “liberal”, which they now always refer to as “progressive”, prostitution got a bad rap and now must be renamed and legitimized.

Maybe these people are simply suffering from an inability to see things as they really are.  They are incapable of calling it what it is.  Like the global war on terror: they use terminology like “the ‘so-called’ war on terror” instead (and make no mistake—it’s “George Bush’s war on terror” —THAT they know for sure!).  And terrorists are called “militants” or “combatants”, instead of, you know, terrorists.  I’m still trying to figure out how to join that club they keep calling, with steadfast assurance, “the religious right”, and wonder where in tarnation the missing “atheist left” is in the scheme of things.

Joel Johannesen
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