Sunday, May 5, 2024

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Just another example of liberal-left perspective passed-off as “normal” and “objective” and “expert”

Professor Joel’s li’l lecture for Friday:

Liberalvision CTV Newsnet and in fact all of the liberal-left Canadian mainstream media, as I always point out (too many blog entries to list here—it’s nearly every day, sometimes several times a day), is utterly obsessed with university professors, relying on them for nearly every story—especially political stories.  Why? Well, in my university-educated opinion, it’s because university professors are reliably leftist, sometimes far-leftists, and often outright Marxists; nearly universally anti-war-on-terror, and anti-Bush, frequently atheist, and anti-conservative.  (There are notable exceptions, which our web site celebrates, having secured them as columnists here:  Salim Mansur, Mike Adams.  There may be others.  If you’re one, please inquire within). 

Stephen_FarnsworthSince the liberal media usually only identify conservatives as such, as if warning you to take what they have to say with a haYUGE grain of salt, I often look up liberalvision’s guest “experts” on politics.  Today (11:15 AM PST Feb 1 2008), CTV Newsworld had a Stephen Farnsworth on, whom they introduced and identified as an expert and a professor at a university—attaching absolutely no political leanings whatsoever. 

From what I found, I don’t believe he’s a rabid leftist as so many are, but according to his own students, he’s a clear liberal. 

And it seems this is precisely how the liberal media would have it.  Nearly every perspective is that of a liberal’s.  How do you suppose that’s going to turn out?  And do you think this is an accident?  Please write three clear and concise paragraphs answering that and turn in your essay tomorrow.  Or you know, whenever you feel empowered enough to do that and as long as it doesn’t encroach upon your attendance at anti-war or pro-abortion rallies.  You won’t be graded, as I understand that offends some.  You’ll all get a great big lolly-pop though.

Here’s some selected entries from the web site

Note that these aren’t “random” selections—I chose only the ones which alluded to his liberal bias (nobody alluded to any conservative bias), and it should be noted that several reviewers liked him and recommended him.  I suspect they’re liberals.  Go and look for yourself, but as the intelligent folks you are, don’t use this tawdry and simpleton evidence alone to judge the man.  This is just for fun.  Clearly, I highlighted information that was pertinent to me.

Farnsy is a liberal who is very (over?)confident in himself. I disagree with most of what he thinks, but that has no bearing on him as a professor. He will accept any challenge to arguments he makes and will consider what you have to say. In my class I noticed the people who disagreed with him were often the most inarticulate. DON’T WASTE CLASS

• Very funny and smart guy (doesn’t hurt that I’m also a dirty liberal from New England). The multiple choice questions on his tests are insane, he seems to take them from the footnotes. But if you read his book thoroughly and keep referencing it in the ess

• Farnsy is a great prof. I loved his New Hampshire stories, haha. Very liberal -yes. Pessimistic -yes. But articulate, sets high standards, and is professional. And picks quality textbooks for his classes.

• I’ve taken him for 3 clases now and I’ve found him to be one of the most helpful professors around (outside and inside).I found him very professional, even with his lefty leanings. Its not in any way that will bother you unless you’re really narrow minded. READ THE BOOKS, they are the whole tests.

• WORST PROFESSOR EVER. I was really excited to take this class, until I found out it was going to be an hour and 15 minutes of him talking about the books he’s written and his liberal opinions on various aspects of politics. Doesn’t actually teach anything from the book. Avoid at all costs

• This guy is a jerk. I pay the school money for him to teach me, not to try and indoctrinate the class. Went too far before the election. It’s okay to get excited, but keep your politics and anti-Bush sentiments out of the classroom. Teach us the process, not your opinions.

• What can you say about Farnsworth? For one his repeated “mkay’s” during attendence make him sound that guy from South Park. If you take this class READ THE CHAPTERS IN THE BOOK, as his lectures involve his glorified vision of a liberal America, not test material. Intolerant of different opinions.

• might possibly be the worst professor i’ve ever had…not so good at keeping his own opinions on political matters from affecting your grade

I’ll let you know the next time I stumble upon a conservative professor being interviewed about politics in the Canadian media. 

The next expert they had on (12:15 PM PST or so) was Dennis W. Johnson, an affable man who was identified only as a professor and author (etc etc), and not as someone aligned with any political side, as per usual.  They mention the name of his latest book.  They didn’t mention that he was the former chief of staff to the late Democratic Congressman Norman Sisisky of Virginia. 



Joel Johannesen
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