Monday, May 6, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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It’s not as though the kid is marching down the street waving a Canadian flag.

Trotting a kid around carrying a Canadian flag is one thing.  But the gay lobby — and the Chronicle Herald — definitely has made an odd choice here. Using a nine-year-old boy to help advance the gay lobby’s homosexual advocacy?  Yes that is creepy, indeed. 

A reader in Halifax sent me these pictures which he copied and then labeled himself, upset after having found the picture on the left in the Halifax newspaper, the Chronicle Herald, as part of a photo slide show on their online front page. 

He wrote:

…I saw one that disturbed me. I grabbed it and found another that had the same tone.  I found it creepy that the the homosexual lobby would enroll a prepubescent boy to carry a homosexual activism flag.  Worse is the Chronicle Herald’s homosexual advocacy using this image.  It was too much.  It smacks of Leni Riefenstahl’s “Triumph of the Will”. Very creepy.  I made the image comparing the two images.

The Chronicle Herald’s picture at left, the reader’s comparison at right.  The captions are the reader’s, not the Chronicle-Herald’s.
image  image
The caption at the Chronicle-Herald reads (and the incorrect apostrophe in “it’s” is the Chronicle Herald’s failure to understand the very most basic rules of grammar, not mine.  And I will chose to leave out the kid’s full name, unlike the Chronicle Herald, which chose to publish it):  “Nine-year-old [name] takes part in the Halifax Gay Pride Parade as it makes it’s way along Spring garden Road on Saturday.”

And no, it’s not as though anyone here thinks the gay lobby is exactly like the Nazis, actually.  The only thing less valid than that is the comparisons that so many imbeciles on the far left and from within the gay lobby and special interest group make, comparing me and PTBC and Ann Coulter and every other conservative they can think of including even Stephen Harper, and of course Christians, generally —to Nazis, in their moronic emails and blogs and forums, helping prove they know utterly nothing about the Nazis’ far-left fascist, anti-Christian, and notably socialist place on the political/ideological map). 

Of all the gay pride parade pictures, why did the Chronicle Herald choose to feature a 9-year-old child, in particular, in this way?  He actually looks militant, and a little angry.  And the Chronicle Herald really did feature the kid —zooming right in his angry-looking little face on their front page in order to draw attention to their photos of the day feature.


These are not choices I’d have made, as a normal, common sense, mainstream Canadian conservative guy.  Neither as a gay lobbyist if I was one, in choosing to parade the little boy around carrying the official flag of the gay lobbyist group;  or as a newspaper editor if I was one, in choosing to feature this little kid —except possibly to report on questionable practices by the gay lobby and special interest. 


Joel Johannesen
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