Thursday, May 2, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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In light of the tsunami, there’s so much child poverty… in Canada.

On Canada’s state-run news media, they’re now talking about a story about a conference being held on child poverty …. in Canada.  Not Sudan, Iraq, Zimbabwe, Congo, North Korea, Sri Lanka—Canada

They’ve been on this story for several minutes now.  Naturally, their key man and target of questions is… socialist Ed Broadbent, a sitting MP who used to lead the still lunatic socialist party in Canada, the NDP, but is now merely a member of the NDP who promotes socialism and will apparently keep doing so until his death. 

How come we can find the money to send over to tsunami victims in Asia, 10,000 miles away, but we can’t find the money to feed and clothe the child living perhaps ten blocks away right here in Canada?, he asks, mournfully, feigning intelligence. 

The wily CBC reporters never answered, as they always do when Stephen Harper says anything, so I will:  Because the Sri Lankans don’t have a hope in hell without our rich-nation capitalist-derived riches in which there is still considerable opportunity to have a hope in hell.  There you go. Hope that helps.

If they really wanted to help, therefore, they’d interview as many right-wing capitalists as they could possible find, and find out how to keep this up.  But no. 

The state-run “Newsworld” is content to just leave the question hanging ominously, forcing dumb Canadians to question their own lack of socialism right here at home. 

Then they interviewed a poor Canadian mother who is discussing her own situation, and suggests/insinuates that if only there was national universal taxpayer-funded daycare program, she’d be OK.  Otherwise she and her baby will surely suffer more—just like the mothers and children in Sri Lanka, see.

And therefore, Broadbent (and thus the news story) concludes, the nation must spend still more hundreds of billions of dollars to end poverty in Canada, since so far, it has proven so very successful in stopping poverty. 

Vote liberal.  Over and out.

Joel Johannesen
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