Rarely do we experience such a clear example of liberal hypocrisy than in this horrible Terri Schiavo story.
At a similar time of year, Easter of five years ago, Democrats and communists all the way from Fidel Castro and Bill Clinton down through Attorney General Janet Reno smashed through the courts and scrambled America’s entire legal system in order to have things their way: to return young Elian Gonzales to communist Cuba from where he’d just escaped rather than let him stay in free America with his family.
The OpinionJournal’s John Fund editorialized about it today:
[…] The Reno Justice Department acted the next day to short-circuit a legal process that was clearly going against it. On Good Friday evening, after all courts had closed for the day, the department obtained a “search” warrant from a night-duty magistrate who was not familiar with the case, submitting a supporting affidavit that seriously distorted the facts. Armed with that dubious warrant, the INS’s helmeted officers, assault rifles at the ready, burst into the home of Elian’s relatives and snatched the screaming boy from a bedroom closet. Many local bystanders were tear-gassed even though they did nothing to block the raid. Elian was quickly returned to Cuba; because he was never able to meet with his lawyers a scheduled May 11 asylum hearing on his case in Atlanta became moot. [… Read the whole editorial (2 minutes) …]
The spectacle of the police arresting young people who are trying to bring a glass of water to Terri Schiavo is disturbing.
photo – AP Chris O’Meara
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