Monday, May 6, 2024

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Here’s a new social program idea: Defend Canada

Speaking to the Ottawa Citizen editorial board, probably because he knew the liberals in Ottawa wouldn’t listen anyway, the new Israeli ambassador to Canada becomes the latest expert to warn Canada and its Liberal government that Canada is high on terrorists’ hit-lists. 

The Liberals in Ottawa are waiting to hear what Bono has to say before changing their treasonous attitude toward defending Canada, freedom, and democracy, and it is expected that Bono will come down in favor of the Liberals, as he was the keynote speaker at the last Liberal Party convention. Those liberals have a knack for tapping into the best and brightest political minds for their political festivals.  Maybe that’s why they’re so intent on decriminalizing pot-smoking—to attract more of the best and brightest to this country. Brain drain be damned!  We’ve got our own way of making Canada attractive to the best and brightest! 

Plus, there are still a few on the liberal-left have not seen the latest Michael Moore (the new liberal King) movie about the real facts on Bush and Iraq, even though there’s no doubt in my mind that they have all been given tickets and instructions to see it as part of their liberal duties to their country and their new King. I know! Hello! It’s been out for a long time now! 

The liberal-left in Canada, long in denial about terrorism since 9/11 (which they still think was an episode of the Simpsons, which is American—d’oh), pretend it cannot happen here, even though their own experts disagree and common sense makes it plain.  Israeli ambassadors aren’t going to trump Bono.  That’s not new. 

Coming to grips with reality and fully funding an actual military defence and changing policy attitudes such that Canada once again takes its responsibility on the world stage in defending peace and freedom and democracy would spell trouble for their real purpose in life, which is to introduce more and more social programs and get Canadians addicted to them, which, in turn, they hope, will get Canadians addicted to voting for them as the party that promises to look after them after they’re addicted and unable to do anything without them.  Like drug dealers, liberals long ago figured out that it’s nearly impossible to “end” a social program once it has been created.  Has it ever happened?  Oh I’m just kidding.  As if. 

Lately, though nobody I know ever asked for it, they decided to foist a universal child care social program on Canadians because they heard that there were still some people in Canada who weren’t on some sort of a government program, grant, entitlement, or working for a government, or a company that was being supported by government hand-outs or aid of some kind.  Them young-uns nearly got through the cracks without government aid! 

They need to ensure that they get the young ones hooked early, and that parents become even more reliant on the state for their very lives rather than bother to engage in the tawdry task of taking care of themselves and their own family on their own without Soviet style state aid. Soon Canadians will be able to plug their kids into the state-run people’s nanny-mart and toodle off to the market or to their government job.  Nine out of ten of the 300,000 new jobs in Canada this year have been government jobs.  Liberal mission nearly accomplished!  (Notice how it never really is, though?)

I don’t know how you Americans got so rich doing everything on your own. You must be super duper. For that matter, I don’t know how Canada got kick-started without a government program.  But let’s not go there, am I right, liberals?

The liberal-left have it all figured out and don’t want to hear any junk about “terrorism” and “defending Canada”, and such nonsense. They’re liberals. Life is about being and getting liberal. Free abortions. Gay marriage.  Smoking pot.  Social programs.  And convincing us that “Bush is the Mr. Burns of America, eh?!”.

The liberal-left in Canada all walk around with their index fingers in their ears singing “la-la-la-la-I-can’t-hear-you” whenever anybody mentions “national security”, or “having a military”, or “terrorism”, or “personal responsibility”, or “individual initiative”, or “profit”, or “free enterprise” or “pro-life” or “traditional marriage”, or “Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper says…”. Then they ensure the citizenry can’t hear conservative thoughts by censoring Fox News Channel, for example, and whatever else they decide we shouldn’t hear, in favor of Canadian content and Canadian values—which they define for us—and surprise surprise, they’re all liberal values.

Anyway, here’s the boring warning to Canada from the silly Israeli ambassador, or a guy the liberals liken to Homer Simpson:

It is only a matter of time before terrorists exploit the openness and diversity of Canadian society and strike here, Israel’s new ambassador to Canada warned yesterday.

Alan Baker said Canadians must realize additional restrictions on rights and freedoms are necessary to counter the relative ease with which terror groups can now infiltrate Canadian society and launch attacks here, against the United States or on Israeli and other foreign interests in Canada.
Mr. Baker said people must understand just how tempting Canada’s open society is to terrorists.

“I very much fear that the openness of Canada might be interpreted by the various terrorist organizations as a sort of naivete that can be utilized and abused,” he said. “If I’ve become familiar with the psyche of the way terrorist organizations function, I suspect that it’s a matter of time before they will abuse this Canadian openness.

“Canada, being confident of its diversity and openness, might be allowing itself to be misled and abused. It worries me. Canada should be very wary of this situation and should prepare itself. It’s happened in Spain, it’s happened in Turkey, it’s happened in Moscow and I’m very fearful,” about it happening in Canada.

As I wrote last week to largely deaf Canadian ears, Robert Wright, who is Canada’s chief security advisor, warned: “Osama bin Laden has publicly identified Canada as a country he believes his followers should attack.  [Bin Laden] ranked Canada as fifth out of seven countries and every other country on that list has already been attacked,” he said.

He added it was “absurd” to think Canada is immune to a terrorist strike. 

Liberals are perfectly content with “absurd” in lieu of more delicious social programs and political power and Fabian socialism.  Maybe if Canadians could be convinced that “national security” and “freedom and democracy” were the very most basic and important social programs and responsibilities of government, they’d become addicted to that.  Then the liberals would be all over it.  But for some reason, unlike conservative leaders, the liberals don’t choose to lead Canadians in that direction.

By Joel Johannesen

This editorial is posted at  Here is the exact link to the editorial:

Joel Johannesen
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