Read the ingenious “news” reporting from Alexander Panetta, a reporter for Canadian Press, reporting on today’s session of parliament.
[…] On television, Harper appears to be surrounded by female colleagues.
[See Joel’s note “A” below]
Polls suggest his Conservatives face a particular handicap with female voters.
[See Joel’s note “B” below]
That may explain why four of the five seats to his diagonal rear right – in just the perfect position for the TV cameras – are occupied by female Conservative MPs. But surrounding the tight, televised circle around Harper is a sea of masculinity. […]
[See Joel’s note “C” below]
[Note A]
Maybe the dames just dig him. Maybe as American Idol’s Randy Jackson would say, “He’s in da dogg pound, baby!” (And Belinda isn’t, snarf!). I mean one might as well put that in one’s “news” report as well as the other scientific theory/slash/instruction, which is that women don’t currently favor Conservatives. Hey here’s a theory: maybe they support him and want to show their support. Nah. Too radical.
[Note B]
But I thought liberals demanded that in order to satisfy their politically correctnessazi subdivision, “handicaps” were “special challenges” or “disabilities”! For shame.
[Note C]
You see, contrary to the negatively prudish and puritanical face the liberal media constantly try to tendentiously paint on conservatives (alongside the official description in the liberal-left media style guide: “nutbar doofuses”), conservatives appreciate and celebrate the differences between the sexes. For his part, it was reported about the Liberal Frenchman Stephane (“the Green Guru”), Dion, and I quote, “Dion exited the chamber early and was gone well before the end of question period at 3:05 p.m.”
Premature self-ejection as a result of a good butt kicking. Tsk tsk. That’s what I call a handicap. (Memo to Dion: for aid, Google “Cialis”)
And finally the article ended: “The session concluded with Harper leaning back in his chair, cracking a smile, and playfully twirling his earpiece.”
And like Dion’s wife or any of the masculine men in the Liberal Party ranks, not smoking a cigarette.
(Hat tip to Maureen)
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