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Go Canada! Go Freedom! And democracy! Kill terrorists with your guns!

Canada needs to get behind our well over 2,000 fighting troops in our military now in Afghanistan. Canadian Brigadier-General David Fraser will take over command of all of the multinational forces there, this week.  Canada needs to get behind the war on terrorism.  Fully.  Including Iraq.  Everywhere. With guns and tanks and fighter jets and helicopters and ships and machine guns and bombs and people. 

A good start would be for the state-run CBC to stop calling it “the ‘so-called’ war on terror” in their hideously—treasonously —misleading and ignorant left-wing pacifist and anti-anything-the-U.S.-is-doing idiot-fervor.  A better start and one which would help the citizens of Canada in so many ways would be to dismantle the CBC entirely.  Listening to or watching the CBC, you actually become dumber

imageIf those leftists and much of the liberal-left media in both Canada and the United States would stop appeasing terrorists and aiding and abetting them with their treasonous story-telling —which constantly takes a lopsided, anti-America and anti-successful-outcome tone—folks might actually see the importance of getting behind the war on terror.  If the media would start reporting the positive aspects of fighting wars against people who want to kill you, your wife, your husband, your daughter, your mother, your dog, and your brother, and stop focusing all their energies trying to prove that President Bush was wrong, folks might get behind the effort to save their own free world. 

Here’s a liberal-left media person’s take:  Yasmin Alibhai-Brown is a columnist at the London Evening Standard. In light of the handover of sovereignty to Iraq on June 28 2004 she wrote her column, a gem entitled “My shame at savoring American failure in Iraq’, and it includes these words (my bolding):

“A dogged campaigner against the blighted war in Iraq, I am now wrestling with the demons of callous triumphalism. The anti-war protestors have been proved horribly right. The allies who marched with the US into this ugly adventure should feel mortified. It is a fearful and turbulent country the new Western Imperialists hand over to the Iraqis. The past months have been challenging for us in the anti-war camp. I am ashamed to admit that there have been times when I wanted more chaos, more shocks, more disorder to teach our side a lesson. On Monday I found myself again hoping that this handover proves a failure because it has been orchestrated by the Americans. The decent people of Iraq need optimism now, not my distasteful ill-wishes for the only hope they have for a future.”

Bush wasn’t wrong.  He isn’t wrong.  The media is wrong.  Canadians are wrong.  Former Prime Minister Jean Chretien was wrong.  Paul Martin was wrong.  Stephen Harper is wrong.  Not being in Iraq is wrong

We should be in Iraq.  We should be in Afghanistan (the Liberal and Conservative leaders all agree with that, but Canadians aren’t on-side, and I’m pretty sure the NDP wants us to be taken over by anybody-but-capitalists).  We should be everywhere the terrorists are.  All free countries should be.  All free people should be behind this. 

This web site is a pro-Iraq war web site.

Canadians are in Afghanistan with guns and equipment designed to kill terrorists.  This effort is the biggest deployment of Canadians troops and equipment since the Korean War. This is real.  This is our people, our neighbours, our friends and family.  They are serving you.  And your country.  And your rights, freedoms, and democracy.  They do this while liberals sit there smugly discounting their efforts as stupid and wasteful and “war-like”, and bashing George Bush and all Americans; and they do this while folks at home in Canada work feverishly day and night to fight for the “right” to have gay “marriages” and group sex in bars.

PM Harper visiting Kandahar

This is another good first step to changing attitudes.  And it isn’t just to bolster the confidence of the troops although that’s absolutely vital. And it’s no “photo-op”.  Mr. Harper isn’t that kind of man, mercifully. 

I think this trip is far more strategic.  It is designed to fulfill a greater good.  It will be beneficial to Canada and Canadians.  It is about sending a huge signal to Canadians.  It is to wake Canadians up to what’s going on in the world outside of the insulated university campuses where putting on the Vagina Monologues is first and foremost on their minds; and outside of the CBC huge monolithic downtown centers of socialism where playing opposition to any conservative thought (whether Conservatives are in power or not) is the most important goal of every taxpayer-paid day.  And it’s a rap on the door of every insulated liberal-left Canadian home where the smug warm residents inside blindly predict with absolutely no basis in knowledge but for what their liberal-left media lied to them about, and yet with absolute certainty, that Canada is safe no matter what.  The world is safe and there is no need to fight for freedom and democracy.  That it’s all guaranteed by Team Liberal-Left/Al Gore/Hillary/Ted Kennedy/Michael Moore’s fighting forces,  and the United Nations because they’ve somehow passed a resolution against baddies and have banned terrorism and guns, and guaranteed the “right” to be ignorant forever more.

I only hope the CBC is not going to tag along with the brave Mr. Harper and negate the good that can come of this.  And if they do, I hope that right-thinking Canadians will help those who are unfortunate enough to watch or listen to state-run liberal-left media, to unlearn the lessons they tell, because they’re wrong.

Joel Johannesen
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