Thursday, May 2, 2024

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Globe and Mail conflicted over Dalai Lama. Good? Or bad? Depends on who PM of Canada is, apparently

I love how all week the liberal media has been criticizing the Harper Conservatives for, to the media’s way of thinking (or more accurately, wishful thinking), putting Canada into the throws of ruining our relationship with the communist Chinese government.  Liberals always want us to make nice-nice with nutbar communist dictators and Islamo-fascist anti-American terror-appeasing enemies of freedom, but shun the Americans (except the far-leftist Americans, who are A-OK except they’re still an inferior race). 

I must have read a dozen articles all bashing the Conservatives for, in particular, meeting with the Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama and bestowing honors on him.  The liberal media has cited this at every opportunity as the key factor in this (apparently they all agree) multi-faceted  “ruinous” path we’re following with those charming, uh, undemocratic communist human-rights violators (the latter set of superlatives being the actual, germane matter at hand). 

In September we read in the liberals’ Canwest paper the Vancouver Sun:

…The Conservative government, which has angered China on several fronts since assuming power in January, is sending at least two senior government representatives to Vancouver Saturday—over China’s objections—to honour the Dalai Lama’s visit to Canada…

The far leftist Toronto Star reported:

Since the Tories took power, they have rubbed the Chinese the wrong way on a number of fronts, including the bestowal of honourary citizenship on Tibet’s exiled Dalai Lama

One of the liberals’ liberalvision channel, CTV (owned by Bell Globemedia), at their web site reported:

Since the Conservatives took office in January, there have been a number of irritants in the Canada-China relationship.

Among them were moves to bestow the Dalai Lama with honourary Canadian citizenship…

The state-run CBC division of the Liberal Party wrote today (for the 80th time, probably):

Beijing has also taken exception to meetings between members of Harper’s cabinet and the Dalai Lama, the leader of Tibet’s government in exile…

The liberals’ Globe and Mail  (owned by Bell Globemedia) previously reported:

Still, the concerns outnumber the recent positives. They include a decision by Mr. Harper’s parliamentary secretary, Jason Kenney, to meet recently with the Dalai Lama

The Globe and Mail earlier also reported:

China’s decision comes amid a cooling in the bilateral relationship as Canada takes an increasingly harder line on China’s human rights record.

Over the past few months, the Harper government has delivered a number of controversial messages to the Chinese, among them a decision by the Prime Minister’s parliamentary secretary, Jason Kenney, to meet with the Dalai Lama

But then today, in an apparent brain freeze, the liberals’ Globe and Mail noted, by way of comparison, that the Liberals under both Chretien and Martin (neither of whom are in jail!) fared way better than those silly Harper Conservatives.  (Nobody asked them to compare Harper with the Liberals of days gone by, but who cares—that’s what the liberal media does under the guise of “news”, and several other media sources chose to compare too, for no apparent reason).

They gratuitously told us in today’s article, as if listing the quality achievements of the Chretien/Martin Liberals vis-a-vis the Chinese:

…Still, it was the Liberal government under Prime Minister Jean Chretien in 1997 that created the Canada-China Joint Dialogue on Human Rights, which has met every year except this one.

Mr. Chretien’s successor, Paul Martin, was the first Canadian prime minister to meet with the Dalai Lama.

In general, both Mr. Chretien and Mr. Martin were more predisposed to engage China, aggressively pushing trade links while raising the rights issues behind closed doors. That strategy was often criticized by rights groups, but praised by others as more effective in dealing with China


Suddenly it’s a positive.  Amazing.

Joel Johannesen
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