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Saturday, March 1, 2025
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Freak-out headline at “Bodies” of “Killed soldiers”…

They’re accurate enough—that’s not the problem.  I think it’s nonetheless an unfortunate choice of words in headline:  “Bodies of killed soldiers to return home Wednesday”

Ghoulish enough for you?  Creep you out a little?  Or as PTBC’er Maureen wrote in an email:  “Is it just me, or does this headline make you shake your head?”  And how about also misleading you? 

You see, the soldiers weren’t killed by Taliban terrorists or “insurgents” while acting, as liberals would call it, as Bush’s war troops, but rather they died tragically in a vehicular accident—their armored vehicle rolled-over in the mud, and they died as a result of their injuries.  This tragedy could have happened if Canadians were acting as U.N. peace keepers, or even as Layton’s chat with terrorists over tea and buns diplomatic corps. 

And one doesn’t normally refer to dead soldiers’ “bodies” returning home.  This isn’t a morgue. 

I think the headline stretches their credulity as honest purveyors of truth in world events. I think the headline is purposely tendentious.

I see they’re using these words on air as well, in their news ticker at CTV Newsnet. 


P.S.: I just happened to notice that as I screen-captured a shot of CTV’s take on Obama:  He’s the “WORLD’S CANDIDATE”!  Yup!




Joel Johannesen
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