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Forum question answered and culture discovered

An American member of the forums posted the following question for anyone to answer and I took up the challenge:

“Is MSNBC permitted in Canada?  Considering it also can be seen as having a ‘balanced’ perspective on politics I’m wondering if the ultra left can’t handle it as well?”

My answer:

Joe, it’s so complicated you’d laugh your butt off at the prospect of any American allowing this kind of fascist censorship in the land of the free where you live.

MSNBC is, like most media, sufficiently liberal to be allowed to broadcast in Canada but only as “MSNBC-Canada”.  It is forced to broadcast a version of MSNBC into which Canadian content is hideously injected, somehow, into its regular broadcast—difficult for an American news/commentary channel obviously.  And not what either the cable suppliers want to provide nor what their customers want to watch.  They all want “MSNBC”, period, almost as if they aren’t Liberals and don’t want to tow the party line.

Half of the problem with Canadian regulations is a requirement for “Canadian content” which is unevenly forced on Canadians on some channels and not others. 

It’s because of this “Canadian content” rule that after decades of it, Canada now has such a well-defined “Canadian culture”.  Oh wait… you don’t know anything about “Canadian culture” and you live right next door to us?  Neither does one single Canadian.  That’s because there isn’t one.  Things are pretty much exactly the same as they were 130 years ago, and it looks a lot like American culture only it’s been all liberaled-up and it’s not so, you know, “free” now.  It might be much the same otherwise—that’s because we are your brothers and sisters and cousins and a people from a common mother.  The government of Canada, or as I like to call it, the Government of Canada wahahahaha, has yet to come to grips with that fact and have tried to force-feed liberal-speak to Canadians instead, and inasmuch as it has turned half the country into liberal-leftists or socialist voters, it has worked marvelously well.  As for the freedom and culture part, well, not so much.  But that’s the Canadian way:  “Half-assed, all the way!”

In the year 2034, when the Conservatives have been in power for 3 years, Canadians will start to develop their own culture based on the very freedom to do so, kinda like you all did.  So successful is “freedom”, that the Liberals in the Canadian government have erected these regulatory shields to (A) provide yet more government jobs for Liberal hacks to help spread liberalism throughout the land and (B) to defend against any of that freedom nonsense from leaking into Canada, thereby creating a class of people who think they can go ahead and vote “non-Liberal”.

Cable suppliers that currently supply MSNBC-Canada, Rogers Broadcasting and Shaw Communications, say the MSNBC-Canada channel is not viable and that they want the U.S. channel, MSNBC (plain and simple), to be allowed.  So they submitted an application on 12/18/2003.  Still no answer.  This is Canada.  You know, like the old Soviet Union in oh-so-many ways.

In their original news release, the cable companies said: “Rogers and Shaw, in consultation with their U.S. shareholder partner in MSNBC-Canada, have come to the conclusion that, because of the unique programming challenges presented by a 24 hour breaking news format, the Canadian programming requirements are disruptive to subscribers and have proven to be financially burdensome beyond expectation, with the result that the MSNBC Canada service is not viable over the long term.”

No wonder Fox News Channel and its original Canadian applicant Global Television came to the same conclusion soon after getting the thumbs-up for something called Fox News-Canada some time ago.  It’s not what Canadians wanted, not what Fox wanted, and not what even Global really wanted, but it was the only thing they could do at the time given the stupid fascist restrictions of the liberal Canadian government.  (The new Fox News Channel application is sponsored by the Canadian Cable Television Association, not the broadcaster Global Television.)

Without dumbing-down a non-liberal American channel with Canadian content (also known as “liberal-speak”), Fox News Channel would appear to be broadcasting pure non-liberal material—just willy-nilly across the hitherto liberal Canadian airwaves.  This must be forbidden at all costs, including freedom itself, according to the liberals in Canada.  That’s why we cannot watch Fox News Channel. 

In most of the letters I have read from the general public regarding the Fox News application (the state regulator hideously authorizes comments from the plebeian citizens as the fascists that they are, almost as if we wouldn’t be allowed to email a comment if they—the state—didn’t officially authorize us, and then they display them for all to see as if to spread shame among those who don’t tow the line), most of the negative (correct) comments cited the simple fact that Fox News Channel is “right-wing”.  And therefore, somehow, in liberal-land, that means it should be denied entry into Canadian minds, apparently.  What they really mean, of course, without actually saying it, is that Fox News Channel doesn’t broadcast only the left’s version of the news thereby promoting liberalism as Canadians are so accustomed, but both sides, and also conservative commentary which Canadians never ever hear, leaving dumb liberalized Canadians exposed to an actual non-liberal point of view.  And after all the political cleansing that has taken place in Canada, what a waste that would be! 

The Canadian Broadcasters Association which represents all the liberal Canadian networks and TV stations, which are all Liberal Party supporters or outright owned and operated by the liberal state itself, are against the application for pure unadulterated Fox News Channel and MSNBC.  When industry cooperates with government to restrict the freedoms of the people, you have fascism,  or what we in Canada call “a Liberal Party wet dream”. 

OK maybe we do have a culture after all.

Hope that helps.

Joel Johannesen
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