Just when you thought left-wing, nutjob animal activists couldn’t get any more ridiculous, you read something like this…
Vlasak compares killing of animal researchers to stop animal experimentation to “the killing of Nazi concentration camp guards and officers to free the prisoners being taken to the gas chambers.” He suggests that such actions, “most likely would have made the next crop of soldiers less likely to volunteer for duty.”
Of course, if these animal rights activists were truly dedicated to sparing the lives of animals, they would volunteer themselves in place of animals. No violence. No protesting. No fuss.
See…it always takes a conservative-minded person to find a clear and satisfactory solution to a problem. Next.
***Semi-related update***
I wonder what kind of pickle Vlasak [sic] will be in after hearing this news?
Seal hunt to go ahead, despite protests by Bardot and McCartney
- Oh no, you left out the transexuals… - Friday May 26, 2006 at 8:15 am
- Ask Elton - Friday May 26, 2006 at 7:53 am
- Coming from you, that means nothing… - Friday May 26, 2006 at 7:28 am