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Monday, March 3, 2025
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Meanwhile, environmental crusader Paul Watson said the deaths of the seal hunters was a tragedy, but the continued slaughter of seal pups “is an even greater tragedy.”

Watson, head of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, took aim at seal hunters in the combative release, describing them as “baby killers” …  who are seeking sympathy because some of their own died.”

The head of the international conservation group said he was struck by the comments made by a sealer, who said he felt helpless as he watched the small trawler capsize.

“I can’t think of anything that defines helplessness and fear more than a seal pup on the ice that can’t swim or escape as it is approached by some cigarette-smoking ape with a club,” Watson said.

—London Free Press: Capsized sealers recount chilling fight for survival

(Hat tip to Marc who emailed the article and wrote: “Once you catch your breath after reading this, you might want to comment….”)

Joel Johannesen
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