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Dion calls for all “progressive parties” to join together

image  Liberal Frenchman Stephane (the “Green Guru”) Dion calls for “progressive parties” (plural) to join together…  but he seems to be afraid to come “out” and actually say it in his daily blatherings. 

This Liberal Party message on the front page of the web site today, featuring Dion’s noggin, is clear.  All the “progressive” parties should team up to beat the Conservative Party and fight against… climate change (in this case, but I would assume they’d like to fight conservatives on every issue). 

(And again, apparently the Liberals are too sheepish or are too unsure of themselves to come right out and stick with the original terminology which they all started with, which is “man-made global warming”—I suspect this is in light of all the recent inconvenient cold snaps!).

Anyway this joining together of progressives from all the progressive parties raises an interesting question:  Who will lead them?  The leader of the Canadian Communist Party or another socialist party like the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada?  The socialist Jack Layton (who has “coming out” problems of his own—he appears too embarrassed to call himself and his party a full-on socialist party)?  Dion himself?  Who?  Normal freedom loving free-market Canadians and their inquiring and patriotic minds need to know. 

We’ve seen this call to progressive arms before, amongst Liberals.  I pointed out back in January of 2006 how the desperate and failed Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin called for all “progressives” to join together and beat the evil Conservatives in the then upcoming election. 

I wrote:

Today, Team Paul Martin/Liberal even begged the Green Party and their “progressives” to join in the big “progressive” allied force against conservative Canadians like you and me, since we want to destroy the joint, as you know.  They want every single cotton pickin “progressive” to join them.  Party affiliation be damned!  Be united!  All of us!  Together!

I added that Martin should clarify for Canadians that “progressives” include the Communist Party of Canada, which itself wrote in their campaign rhetoric:

A People’s Coalition of progressive forces, including Communists, NDPers, and progressive Greens, as well as trade unionists, peace and environmental activists, representatives of the women’s and students’ movements – these are the forces that are needed in Parliament to achieve real and progressive change, and to block the right.

Sadly for the Liberals they also wrote:

We will also support efforts to unite all labour, democratic and progressive forces to prevent the election of a Liberal majority, and an even more dangerous Tory majority, and work to elect the largest possible bloc of progressive candidates and parties.

I also included a quip from CTV News reporter Roger Smith:

UPDATE:  Just heard on CTV Newsnet – Reporter Roger Smith quipped that on the Liberal campaign plane, the reporters in the back of the plane are all joking that tomorrow, the Liberals are going to start appealing to the progressives of the Marijuana Party, the Rhinoceros Party, the Marxist-Leninist Party, and any other progressives they can think of.

More recently the Communists of Canada wrote on the same theme as the current Dion call for progressives to join together and fight for the extraordinary rights of Canada’s progressive “lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, trans, two-spirited persons, queer and questioning youth”:

Harper Alert! Smoke “Out” the Conservatives

May 16, 2007

Joint Pride Day Statement from the Communist Party of Canada and the Young Communist League of Canada. Together with our allies at dozens of Pride events across Canada this summer, lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, trans, two-spirited persons, queer and questioning youth are celebrating important struggles to achieve equality and social justice. These events are refreshing and important demonstrations of the unity which is essential to all the progressive movements of Canada.

I partially agree with the commies. Those events are important demonstrations of the unity which is essential to all the progressive movements of Canada. So come clean, Dion!  Call for all the communists and socialists of Canada to come together!  Come “out”! 

An Outing of the Terminology At Play:

• “Progressives” is another word for “liberals”, which includes communists, socialists, “two-spirited persons”, feminists, abortionists, pot-smokers, people with pierced nipples, women with hairy armpits, hippies that stink, most teachers and university profs, most news and entertainment media, and other liberal groups.  And Dion is calling for them to all join together.  (More than they are already).

• Layton and his ever so open and accountable NDP are afraid to openly call himself/herself/itself/themselves what they are:  full-on socialists —a party which stands for a new global socialist order, replacing Canada’s current free-market system as we know it.  This, notwithstanding their own party’s constitution, which declares its inherent socialist bent.  (They and their web site now also hides the Party’s constitution from your eyes, so don’t bother trying to find it.  Thankfully I have a copy of it.)  But don’t worry:  they don’t have a “hidden agenda”.

• “Climate change” is another way of saying “man-made global warming”,  but is generally only used when there’s still a few cold snaps around or they need to attribute heavy rains and volcanoes to “man-made global warming”. 


Joel Johannesen
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