Saturday, May 18, 2024

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DDT saves lives, kills mosquitoes. Therefore, the liberal-left forbids it in Africa

As the state-run news media breaks from their coverage of floods in Alberta which are of a magnitude unknown for centuries—to cover the even more important (to Ontario liberals) “Live 8” concert, I was reading a Phyllis Schlafly column on just how the liberal-left and their junk science is directly responsible for the deaths of countless millions upon millions of people in Africa and elsewhere. 

There is so much wrong with the liberal-left thinking when it comes to science and nature and, well, political science and international relations and just about everything.  They seem bound and determined to base their “science” not on facts but on an elixir of leftist political ideology—founded on overt anti-capitalism and anti-Americanism.  And of course the penultimate question:  will it help us build an ever-bigger unionized government bureaucracy somewhere or better yet, everywhere?

Few things in our world help us understand the mendacity, hypocrisy, and perfidy of the liberal-left than Africa and the plight of the poor people who live there.

The myth of DDT versus the reality of malaria in Africa

The United States has just assumed the largest burden of forgiving $40 billion in debt owed by 18 mostly African countries. It’s no wonder these countries can’t repay their debts when they suffer the enormous human and economic costs of malaria.

According to Harvard development expert Jeffrey Sachs, malaria cuts in half the potential growth of African countries. Yet, new evidence has just surfaced that the U.S. Agency for International Development, to which our taxpayers give $90 million a year to fight malaria, spends 95 percent of this money on consultants, advertising, and “social marketing,” and less than 5 percent on fighting the disease.

Malaria has killed more people, especially children, than any other infectious disease in history. Annual deaths from malaria, mostly in Africa, Asia and Central America, have long been estimated at between 1 million and 2.7 million.

British scientists at Oxford University recently reported that in 2002 there were 515 million people infected with the most dangerous strain of malaria. Malaria deaths could easily exceed the 3 million people killed annually by AIDS.

In 1998, the World Bank pledged to reduce malaria disease and fatalities by 50 percent by 2010, but instead malaria rates have increased by 15 percent. This is the same World Bank now demanding that its bad loans to African countries be reimbursed by the United States.

Malaria is a disease carried by mosquitoes, and the world knows how to kill the hated mosquitoes – it’s to spray them with the insecticide called DDT. Between the end of World War II and 1970, DDT practically eliminated malaria in the United States and Europe, and successfully battled it elsewhere.

[… Read the whole thing (2 minutes) …]

Joel Johannesen
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