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CTV proclaims: it’s “Washington’s war on terror”. I did NOT know that.

Sentence included in liberalvision story about the fabulous, successful Al Qaeda hit by the Americans in Somalia, which was written-up today by a brave, brave reporter named “Mr. News Staff” with the able help of “files from” that ever so balanced (and reliant upon mythical/fake anti-American Iraqi policeman named Jamil Hussein) Associated Press:

…a claim that if true, would mean the end of an eight-year hunt for a top target of Washington’s war on terror.”

Let’s review the “claim” that they describe as “if true”:  It’s “Washington’s war on terror”?  Well yes, inasmuch as it certainly doesn’t appear to be CTV’s war on terror much less what we in the sensible set call “the global war on terror” for reasons which include the fact that it involves the entirety of western civilization including parts of the CTV.  But no, CTV, you see, isn’t part of that war.  That would be taking sides!  Ours!  Yuck! 

CTV are liberal Canadians who are quicker to attack “Washington” and President George W. Bush than any Al Qaeda Islamofascist savage (or what they call “combatants”… whereas Bush is a “Christian”—need I go on?!), any day.  (In this story: “The U.S. accuses the Islamists in Somalia of having links to al Qaeda, but they deny those accusations.”  For example.)

Furthermore, “Washington” seems to be among the very few countries that takes the war on terror seriously, so I can understand CTV’s obvious confusion over the matter.  CTV might be interested in knowing, however, that its home country which it ostensibly serves, Canada, and many of its very brave countrymen, are actively engaged in the war on terror in Afghanistan, and to limited extents in other countries too, and in a very general sense as well.  So please, CTV, next time, make it: “Washington and Ottawa’s war on terror” (unless of course Liberal “green guru” Dion gets elected—then of course you’ll be obligated to go back to “Washington’s war on terror”.  Duh!)

But hey don’t listen to me. Go ahead and call it “Washington’s war on terror”, CTV.  I know that unlike me, you’re all about the accuracy in reporting and fairness and objectivity (as long as you’re fair to those savages!) and not at all about appeasing anti-American, Bush-hating liberal pacifists.

Personally, I’m on our side.

Joel Johannesen
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