Saturday, May 4, 2024

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CTV once again reports on left-wing group as totally neutral, normal, and newsworthy

The liberal media is dutifully trumpeting a left-wing group’s efforts again today apparently based on the solid journalistic, newsworthy foundation built upon the basis that… they held a news conference. 

Therefore, you see, the liberal media must (a) cover it; and (b) ask them no hard questions (like “Are you far-left zealots or peaceniks?”); and (c) report everything they say verbatim; and (d) fail to advise their news viewers that the group is well-known to be a left-wing political advocacy group that even the group itself admits was inspired by the hideous, far-left, which is funded by the American far-left and the professional leftist agitprop George Soros.  And then of course (e) fail to provide any balance to the story.  (Can you imagine them asking Ann Coulter for a comment? No, right?)

They report the “news” from the group today, who held a grown-up-like news conference, condemning in advance a weapon that may or may not be under consideration by the Canadian defence department.  They again reported about them in purely neutral terms, describing them as a plain old “think tank”, without any “left-wing” qualifier whatsoever.  The Rideau Institute on International Affairs is a group I’ve written about before, because both the state-run CBC and the CTV have trotted out their Director, Steven Staples, and given him face-time several times to get his expert, unbiased, totally neutral opinions about things as important as Canada’s involvement in the war on terror and terror-related topics.  Shouldn’t we be warned? 

Even the Defence Department has a file on him, and find no problem whatsoever describing him as “a left-wing defence analyst” (see same blog entry).

And I’ve posted (same blog entry again), for example, this blurb from an affiliated web site of theirs:

  … is a project of the Rideau Institute on International Affairs, a public policy research and advocacy group based in Ottawa. is the institute’s main public outreach and advocacy arm.

  The Polaris Institute created in 2003 to prevent Canada from joining the U.S. Ballistic Missile Defence program, although the name itself dates back to the earlier campaign to stop the invasion of Iraq. Its founders are Steven Staples and Peter Coombes. Their goal, inspired by successful web-based organizations such as, is to provide a web-based tool for citizen action on government policies.

  Since its inception, has played crucial roles in many campaigns, including preventing Canada from joining George W. Bush’s “Star Wars” missile defence program. As well, it has pushed Canadian politicians of all stripes to oppose the war in Afghanistan, allow U.S. war resisters to stay in Canada, ban deadly cluster bombs, abolish nuclear weapons, prevent the weaponization of space, and take action on other important issues.

  Many well-known supporters of have endorsed its campaigns over the years, including David Suzuki, Maude Barlow, Matthew Good, Mel Hurtig, Helen Caldicott, Tom Hayden, Mel Watkins, and Murray Dobbin.

  … is a network of more than 15,000 Canadians who want Canada to be a world leader for peace, disarmament, and social justice.


You’d think this would warrant at least an advisory that “they’re a far-left-wing advocacy group…”  But no.  Not the CTV.  The Fraser Institute?  “Right wing”.  Rideau Institute?  “Neutral”. 

Today they were on about a new weapon, which may or may not be under consideration for our fighting forces, called the Laser Dazler.  Their spokesman said a few negative words about it seemingly based on little more than their “feelings” (they’re liberals), and sternly warned against buying them (I think they worry it might work).  This “news”  just happened to coincide with the big Taser story currently gripping the nation and media.  As reported in a story at, he said:  “You only have to look at the current controversy in Canada over the use of Tasers.”  That’s what sensible people who understand the media and manipulation call “a clue”.  When it’s reported as it was, it’s what we call “a media with an agenda”.

Tell you what, “Rideau Institute”:  that whole “star wars” thing will defend our country too.  So your opposition to this new weapon is simply predictable and boring.  And liberalvision CTV news coverage is no different.

I don’t know where Canada’s media is.  Personally, I’m on Canada’s side.

Joel Johannesen
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