Thursday, May 2, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Critics: Stuff this up yours

Allow me to cogitate a little, won’t you?  And liberals, that word has nothing to do with having an orgasm, so you might want to move on to another site because I know you’re all about the orgasm. 

I had to re-read Doug Giles’ latest column last night to recharge my batteries after yet another bitch-slap from yet another know-it-all.  It’s good to know that the columns from our great columnists are helping somebody even if it’s just me!  Of course I don’t post them publicly to help me, or at least me alone.  I also post them to help advance the conservative movement in Canada.  It drives the liberals bonkers because this site ends up being like one of their festering sores only it’s online instead of on their bodies, and it’s brilliant political ideas instead of herpes or some other STD.  That makes me laugh.  Of course I’m weird that way.

Oh don’t pretend that I’m whining and acting like an over-sensitive pantywaist, because that’s bull, and most of you know it.  I’m not a victim of anything and don’t ever remotely feel like I am.  This stuff rolls off my back like water off a duck’s back, and you’d have to know I wouldn’t last two weeks doing this work if idiotic critics really did bother me in any serious way.  Or I certainly wouldn’t do this using my real name and photograph and making my address and phone number and name and photograph of my wife all easily available if criticism bothered me, because otherwise I’d be able to blast the bajeezus out of them undaunted by small matters of reputation and so on, as they often are able to do. 

But sometimes I have to laugh at the conundrum —lately it’s conservatives who have all the answers and all the right ideas and who get more under my skin than liberals.  I expect it from liberals and I’m even a little bored of it.  But last night it was another conservative who capped it off for me and my day —on the last day of my Christmas holiday (I know—it was a little hard to tell I was on vacation because I often work on this web site while on vacation).  They thought it was their job to somehow keep me and my blog in line, and to say so in public in a negative comment (a silly-assed bitch-slap) directed squarely and a little hurtfully at me, because all I was trying to do was to lighten it up (as is so often suggested in a sneering and off-handed way) and posting a blog entry which included un-liberal jokes

Critics tell me what words to use or not use.  What tone I should take.  What I should concentrate on and what I should move past.  Last night it was my posting of a few jokes in my blog that was deemed wrong because totally unbeknownst to me, there’s so much other serious stuff going on like an election, which apparently we all—and especially me—were completely unaware of (I thought my being on holiday until today was pretty serious too, but I guess they didn’t).  Today it will be something else.  Lighten up!  Be more serious!  Don’t be so hard on the left!  Be firmer with the left!  Don’t call people communists!  You say “liberal” too much!  Focus on key issues!  Talk about more issues!  Your sentences are too long!  Stick with words most people understand—don’t make me reach for a dictionary all the time!

Of course sometimes, people who email me or see fit to post a negative comment think they’re the only one in the world doing so, and without exception, they think that they’re being original, and that my reaction is based solely on them and their singular snipe. 

That’s how shallow and provincial people can be.  And it’s all good. 

So here’s a snippet from Doug Giles’ last column which I though many conservative Canadians (and certainly bloggers) could get an infinitesimal bit of energy from today, as I did.  In fact, I get great solace from the many great conservatives who simply keep pumping out the good stuff weekly or even daily in blog comments or columns without ever complaining or bloviating out of place. 

1. Brendan Behan:  “Critics are like eunuchs in a harem.  They’re there every night.  They see it done every night.  They see how it should be done every night.  But they can’t do it themselves.”
2. C. Garbett:  “Any fool can criticize, and most of them do.”
3. Samuel Goldwyn:  “Don’t pay attention to critics—don’t even ignore them.”
4. John Osborne:  “Critics are a dissembling, contemptible race of men.  Asking a player what he feels about critics is like asking a lamppost what it feels about dogs.”
5. Elbert Hubbard:  “To escape criticism—do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.”

Read the rest in the Columnist section.  If you really want to learn about conservatism and the power and strength that can be gained from conservatism and conservative thinking, read all our columnists’ columns here daily.  Perspective is everything.

Joel Johannesen
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