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“Conservatives” leading Canada… to taxpayer-“empowered” Progressivism

The Minerva Foundation is in and of itself a fine organization… even though they exist to help "empower" women.  I mean come on: "empower" women?  Is this 1917?  So let us barf at this time. 

That word "empower" is replete with divisive, feminist, and almost always left-wing zealotry.  For example nobody ever wants to "empower" self-employed business folks (…unless of course they're women); or "empower" pro-life folks (even if they're women).  The only people who ever seek to be "empowered" are women, or those who subscribe to and fight for an unmistakably left-wing cause.

About Mierva

Aside from "empowering" women, Minerva seeks to help grow and nurture and mentor women who so desire it, into strong leaders in our nation, in whatever facet of life they choose to be leaders.  It's a reasonable enough cause on its face, and they're a private organization, so you know, good luck to 'em.  As a private organization, if for that reason alone, my hat's off to them… bbbbut then just as quickly, they force me to put my hat right back on.  Actually it's an army helmet these days.  Ya need a helmet.  It's like a war.

The government — the "Conservative" government — announces with great fanfare in an utterly uncritical liberal media, that it is getting itself involved.  With our taxpayer cash, of course.  In an otherwise already successful private organization, already Rona Ambrose, 'empowering' women.  NOT.replete with corporate and individual sponsors, as it should exclusively be.  And the foundation happily accepts the government — our — money. 

That's not "leadership" on any level, by anybody.  That's the opposite.

That, to me, is like declaring war against the strong principles (and the folks who all learned on their own how to lead) that built our nation.  So too, against conservatism, which makes it personal for me;  and it’s actually against Canada itself, as I see it, because when the government tries to make itself indispensable and causes people and private groups and private organizations to become crack-whore-reliant upon the government, as all governments and the major political parties in Canada perpetually attempt to do, it harms Canada and all the foundational ideals upon which it was built.  It's nation-wrecking.  And it’s anti-leadership.

And it's taking sides with liberals, leftists… progressives.  Against me and my nation.

All that, from a "Conservative" government.  I can't stress my use of air/scare quotes around "Conservative" enough.  These people aren't conservatives.  They're progressives.

Only liberals and leftists and progressives generally would see the funding of private organizations such as this for the purpose of "empowering women" and mentoring them into leadership roles, as a fundamental, core function of government.  And only progressives and socialists (etc) would glibly expend our extremely scarce tax dollars (to the point of near national economic catastrophe and virtual bankruptcy, in the midst of a massive recession, deficit, and historic national debt) to do it.  It's exactly anti-conservative.  It's certainly war against my core beliefs and principles as a Canadian.

After already making the case hundreds of times over, I hardly need to reiterate how the liberal-left media is always utterly uncritical of big-nanny-state-government moves such as this, even when the government is called "Conservative" and which otherwise gets the media's breathless, endless criticism, and nasty critical nuance, piled up upon every other announcement and policy idea like cutting taxes, or cutting "arts" or the state-owned CBC’s funding.  Dump the long-gun registry?  For shame!  Fund abortions and "empowering" women?  No questions.  It's just perfect.  Keep it up.

"Rona Ambrose, politically progressive non-leader, gives women's group our taxpayer cash so they will follow" —that would be my headline.

Real women "leaders" in government (particularly a real conservative one) would tell the lassies at the Minerva organization, under no uncertain terms, to find their own damn way.  Lead, damn it!  "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime," and all that.  See, it works for women too.  But ironically, this "Conservative" government shows "leadership" by giving them a huge fish, and making the organization servants of the state's largess, and the women "leaders" accept it.  It's progressivism writ large.  And it's exactly dis-empowering.  To all.

So there she was yesterday: federal "Status of Women Minister" Rona Ambrose ("Conservative") in the liberal newspaper, announcing with great fanfare and absolutely no critical analysis from the media that it is granting the Minerva "leaders" well over a third of a MILLION taxpayer dollars in order to help the them in their goals of helping women in their quest to become leaders.  Because apparently Canadians couldn't decide on their own how best to spend their own money.

It all sounds like the Soviet Union, as run by Libby Davies, and reads like a story in PRAVDA.


  • BC Hydro —a 100% government-owned and controlled monopoly non-corporation.  It's a branch of The Government.
  • B.C. Institute of Technology (BCIT) — a 100% government-owned and government-funded public post-secondarty instutution.  Minerva lists them as another one of their "corporate" sponsors.
  • University of Victoria—a 100% government-owned, government-funded public university.  Minerva lists them as another one of their "corporate" sponsors.

…And now the taxpayers of the entire country as well.


Joel Johannesen
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