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Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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Gov gives auto financing “stimulus” to auto makers; Joel and wife already got Ford at 0% financing

I already told you about our long—and principled!—search for a new car (we eliminated any car built by the CAW union because they virtually told us on national television that they hate capitalism and they officially, according to their leader, the militant socialist Ken Lewenza, blame the global recession on “right wingersimageand those normal capitalist Canadians who think private corporations are just fine —or as he calls us, “the corporate agenda”;  and we nixed any Chrysler or GM product because they are sucking on the state/taxpayer bailout/welfare teat;  and of course we strongly favored an American product). 

So we bought a Ford Escape.  A nice little SUV.  Built in Kansas City. 

Ford has not accepted any taxpayer bailout cash here, or in the U.S..

We got our new SUV with Ford’s happy offer of ZERO PERCENT financing.  For FIVE YEARS.  Through FORD CREDIT of CANADA LTD. 

We did this last week.  Before Flaherty and the saviors in the big government saved us.  Again.  Ford still offers that financing today.  Check for yourself.  (Buy a non-CAW-built Ford!)

So it strikes me as weird that our holy saviors, the big government, had to come up with a $12-billion taxpayer-funded program to support financing to buy or lease vehicles and equipment, as announced by federal Conservative Finance Minister Jim Flaherty yesterday.

“A serious shortfall in Canada has been the lack of financing of vehicles and equipment for consumers and businesses, and this has led to increased borrowing costs for some and limited availability for others,” he said.

“It’s a situation that can’t be allowed to continue if we want to restore confidence and get our economy growing again.”

I call total B.S.

And a quiet recognition as to the horrible “investment” the “stimulus” packages and sundry auto company bailouts are and will be, and the absolutely predictable continuation of further government funding and support for loser companies and people. 

Ford is still offering that financing today.  Honda is offering 0.9% financing, and also didn’t take any taxpayer bailout cash.  Other car companies are doing the same, and also didn’t accept taxpayer bailout cash. 

But don’t worry.  The government knows best.  They will pick winners and losers and bet spend your cash and mine, like the genius economists and accountants and investors they are.  Not at all like big government social engineers and politicians bent on idiocy. 

And after all, a core function of government, as seen by our country’s founding fathers, is to ensure that people can buy certain new cars, on favorable financing terms, when they want a new car. 


Joel Johannesen
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