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Conservatives gaining in numbers at universities; professors blame Conservatives

image Using liberal-leftist professorial logic which could only be laughed at by people who still have a hint of balance in their lives, an “executive” at the University of Ottawa said a recent (and if I might say, a pretty PTBC-ish) Conservative ad campaign to get college students to “freak out their professors” by joining the Conservative Party is, and I quote, “demonizing” academia. 

Seemingly incapable of holding back—even for one lucid sentence—what we’ve come to know as the typical Canadian liberal-leftist’s hatred of conservatives AND America, he injects “American politics” into the fray and says: “This demonizing of institutions is all too common in American politics, and not very helpful here. We’ve seen the demonizing of the courts here in the last few years. Are we going to do the universities next?”

Hands up!  Pick me!  Oh Oh Oh!  YES! They’re next!  Actually, if he’d been paying attention in class, he’d know that it’s been quite properly going on for some time now by some of us on the right who have been properly pushing back like the patriots and freedom-lovers that we are.  Apparently he doesn’t frequent PTBC

And for his convenience—or learning development skills— I’d add that he could compare it to the way conservatives (or, say, Christians—or worse, a combination of the two!) have been demonized, utterly, by academia over the past couple of decades. 

One of the reasons we have columnist (and criminology professor at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington) Dr. Mike Adams, is precisely to counter that effort.  Liberal-leftist domination of academia and the demonizing of conservative thought, organization, and speech—as well as that of Christians—has been the topic in most of his weekly columns here.  And another of our great conservative-minded columnists, (Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Western Ontario) Salim Mansur, a conservative-minded man, would also heartily agree, I’m quite sure. 

Actually I’ve been properly “demonizing” them for years here at PTBC, as I have the law courts—or as I’ve been calling them, “the Supreme Court division of the Liberal Party”; or “the liberals’ courts division”.  Similarly, I call the media “the liberals’ media”.  I don’t usually call them “demons”, actually—I don’t think anybody does.  So using that word betrays some shoddy research on behalf of the university’s executive-class academic.  I use terms like “explaining the truth”, and “telling it like it is about them”.  [See PTBC Lexicon]

So I’ll go ahead and take some of the credit (—or vilification—depending on whether you’re a Canadian, or a typical university professor) for this boom in conservative interest.

Witty Conservative Party ad:

The headline explaining the “demon” story in the liberals’ Vancouver Sun today is:  “Tory ad campaign demonizes academia, critics charge”.  They often use the inarguable words of conservative “critics” (plural, even when it’s just one, as in this case) when headlining or telling a story critical of conservatives or Conservatives.  Apparently there was no time before having to rush this story to print, for them to get another point of view.  There never seems to be. 

The Canwest News report says that since Prime Minister Harper took office, membership in campus Conservative clubs has increased in multiples.  It also adds that “A 2004 study by Stanley Rothman of Smith College in Northampton, Mass., found that academics are five times more likely to identify as liberals than as conservatives. The study polled over 1,600 undergraduate faculty members from 183 schools.”  There are about a dozen other studies that have been done to back that one up.  I’ve noted them here as often as I have been able. 

Hilariously, the article’s author (Andrew Mayeda) informs us (right before the quote where it is claimed by the university executive that the Conservatives’ ads are “demonizing” academia):  “But academic administrators say most professors encourage a diversity of viewpoints.” 

Right.  And yet somehow, they don’t seem to particularly welcome this intrusion into their closed little world of liberal-leftism. 

Being liberal is hard!


Joel Johannesen
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