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Liberal gov’t in Ontario starts redefining, well, life., as usual, does an excellent job of spelling things out for us.  This time it’s Ontario and their Liberal government’s recent amazingly absurd redefinition of, well, lots of things, in order to bring Ontarians into their liberal world. 

“Man”, “Woman”, “Wife”, “Husband”, “Widow”, “Widower” Banished From all Ontario Law

Terms, when referring to spouses, are banned from all government programs, services, documents.

Toronto, February 25, 2005 ( — With the obscenely rapid, three-day introduction and passage of its same-sex “marriage” Bill 171, the Ontario government has advanced a revolutionary change in the way all laws and government programs and institutions refer to marriage and married persons. Everything referring to spouses must now be gender neutral.

No longer can a married couple be referred to as “husband and wife” or “man and woman”. The terms “Widow” and “widower” are also struck from government statutes. Attorney General Michael Bryant stated, on introducing the bill, “Currently, the statutes offend the Charter of Rights and Freedoms”.

Bryant conitnued, “The bill removes references to gender and gender-specific language from Ontario definitions of spousal terms and uses one term, ‘spouse’, to include opposite-sex couples and same-sex couples who are married or who live together in conjugal relationships outside of marriage.”

Considering the massive size and pervasiveness of government, this is certain to gradually lead to a general devaluation of marriage throughout the province — all for the purpose of imposing “equality” for that tiny number of same-sex couples that chooses to “marry”, taking advantage of activist judge imposed re-definition of marriage.

“Spouse” is redefined in the new law to concur with the re-definition of “marriage” imposed by activist judges, but not yet passed in the federal parliament, that now includes same-sex couples.

A perusal of the bill shows substitutions for previously used spousal terms in numerous places throughout 73 Ontario Statutes as follows:

“Widows”, widowers” replaced by “surviving spouses”
“A person of the opposite sex” replaced by “a person”
“Wives, husbands” replaced by “spouses”
“Two persons of the opposite sex” replaced by “two persons”
“The wife or husband” replaced by “spouse”
“A husband or wife” replaced by “spouse”
“The husband and wife” replaced by “the spouses”
“A man and a woman” replaced by “two persons”
“Husband and wife” replaced by “spouses”
“Cohabited as man and wife” replaced by “cohabited as a married couple”
“Same-sex partner” replaced by “spouse”

Following is the list of Statutes affected by the marriage redefinition language requirements:

Absentees Act
Accumulations Act
Assessment Act
Business Corporations Act
Change of Name Act
Charitable Institutions Act
Child and Family Services Act
Children’s Law Reform Act
City of Toronto Act, 1997 (No. 2)
Commercial Tenancies Act
Compensation for Victims of Crime Act
Consumer Reporting Act
Conveyancing and Law of Property Act
Co-operative Corporations Act
Coroners Act
Corporations Act
Courts of Justice Act
Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994
Declarations of Death Act, 2002
Domestic Violence Protection Act, 2000
Education Act
Election Act
Employment Standards Act, 2000
Estates Act
Evidence Act
Execution Act
Family Law Act
Family Responsibility and Support Arrears Enforcement Act, 1996
Fuel Tax Act
Gasoline Tax Act
Homes for the Aged and Rest Homes Act
Human Rights Code
Solemnization of marriage by religious officials
Income Tax Act
Independent Health Facilities Act
Insurance Act
Land Transfer Tax Act
Legislative Assembly Act
Loan and Trust Corporations Act
Marriage Act
Members’ Integrity Act, 1994
Mental Hospitals Act
Mortgages Act
MPPs Pension Act, 1996
Municipal Act, 2001
Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
Municipal Health Services Act
Northern Services Boards Act
Nursing Homes Act
Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997
Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998
Ontario Home Ownership Savings Plan Act
Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act
Ontario Works Act, 1997
Partnerships Act
Pension Benefits Act
Perpetuities Act
Police Services Act
Prohibiting Profiting from Recounting Crimes Act, 2002
Public Libraries Act
Public Service Pension Act
Retail Sales Tax Act
SARS Assistance and Recovery Strategy Act, 2003
Securities Act
Substitute Decisions Act, 1992
Succession Law Reform Act
Tenant Protection Act, 1997
Tobacco Tax Act
Toronto Islands Residential Community Stewardship Act, 1993
Trillium Gift of Life Network Act
Trustee Act
Victims’ Bill of Rights, 1995
Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997

See Ontario Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill – All Party Collusion to Avoid Accountability Succeeds

See the complete legislation


Joel Johannesen
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