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Monday, February 24, 2025
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Common sense Canadians react to UWO’s honoring of ghoulish abortionist

I made a blog entry on March 21st about this and it got little notice.  I was surprised I was the only one in the country outraged by this story.

Read it here first (press your SHIFT key to open it in a new window so you won’t get messed-up!).  I also followed it up with this post, mostly because I was so amazed at the lack of response to my first.

But this morning I got an email from someone who cares.  Here it is:

Dear fellow alumni and fellow citizens,

A group of alumni representing a broad and diverse variety of views has come together to set up an online petition and website ( encouraging our university to reconsider its decision to grant Dr. Henry Morgentaler an honourary doctor of laws at the June 2005 convocation ceremonies.

Our coalition is neither prolife/prochoice by definition.  We are however deeply concerned at the damaging impact of Western Senate’s decision to publicly honour Morgentaler at the student convocation. To many this is deeply offensive and a moral outrage.  We have been contacted by students and families who are now by conscience unable to take part in their own graduations, after years of hard work to earn this moment.  There are members of visible minorities who are offended by what they see as racist implications in Morgentaler’s abortion and crime theory.  Faculty members and staff have told us they are embarrassed and uncomfortable with the decision, or outright offended. Many of us, who would otherwise be ambivalent in the life/choice debate see the Senate’s proposal as divisive and deeply damaging to Western’s reputation and to the value and association of our earned degrees. As alumni we believe (gauging by media coverage and contacts on and off campus) that the majority of both those connected to the university, along with the broader community see this as a terrible decision on the part of Western’s Senate; though there are some who are in support of this plan.

We invite you to consider the content of the website along with other coverage of the issue.  If you share in our concerns, please sign on our online petition.  And… please pass the word on to everyone you can!!!

Sincerely yours,

William VanDoodewaard  
BA ‘96 (Western)

on behalf of  and
Western Alumni Against Honouring Morgentaler

Go and sign it and help stop this disgraceful display of overt government-sanctioned and government-funded liberalism.

Joel Johannesen
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