Wednesday, May 1, 2024

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Awash in Liberals—and it feels dirty.


Even though I’ve already done this approximately eight billion times, once again I can justify calling things a “division of the Liberal Party” (see my Lexicon).  For example I always say the state-run CBC is a division, the Senate is, the state-censor CRTC is, the Governor-General department is a division of the Party, the Federal Government is its biggest division, and Canada’s North Korean-style health no-care system is their little family jewel.  There are lots and lots of others.

But I’ve also used that phraseology because it’s absolutely… oh what’s the word….. sounds like shoe ….oh yeah true.  Every board of directors and top management (and actually I think it’s safe to assume every middle management, bottom management and lots of staff) of the various divisions of the Liberal Party are stacked from top to bottom with Liberal Party appointments.  These jobs are gifts to sponsors, liberal-lefties generally, Liberal-friendly folks, contributors, failed candidates and such.  The country is virtually over-run with liberals who are now in every facet of Canadian life—in every bureaucracy, in every state-run anything. 

This is Liberal Party patronage, and (this is almost funny to look back now) Prime Minister Paul (“we lead the world”) Martin promised to rid our nation of this blatant, banana-republic-style Liberal Party patronage, in that election campaign of 2004 in which he accused the Conservatives of having a “Hidden Agenda” (™ Liberal-friendly media), before he immediately started appointing Liberal Party hacks to various divisions the very instant he was sworn-in as Prime Minister.  Liberal-left activist judges have been appointed to the Supreme Court division, as just one Canada-altering example;  a reporter from the CBC division was shifted over to the Governor-General division;  and on it goes. 

We already know how failed Liberal Party politician David (“Mint-head”) Dingwall was given the job at the Royal Canadian Mint division of the Party, and how in his previous noble, honorable life as a Liberal Party politician and cabinet minister in charge of Public Works, he was the genius who “recommended” (some say wrongly forced) his people to put Liberal Chuck Guite in charge of the Liberal Party’s Sponsorship “Adscam” department.  Guite didn’t immediately get the exact job Dingwall had hoped for him, but a year or so later he got a mandate, under Dingwall’s successor, Liberal Alfonso Gagliano, to run the ill-fated sponsorship program.  Of course Guite is now facing fraud charges as are several people in the Liberal Party program of scandal.

Let me just recap for you: Liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal.   

In the Calgary Herald editorial, I found this tidbit about The Royal Canadian Liberal Party Dingwall Mint and its Board of Directors:

[…] It is worth noting the Liberal-appointed board is chaired by Emmanuel Triassi. An associate of Alfonso Gagliano, Triassi charged up $26,000 in the first three months of 2003 […]

This is all important to keep in mind in determining if the Liberals are offering—despite it not being anywhere in his contract—a HA-YUGE severance payoff to Dingwall even though Dingwall quit for his allegedly scandalous behavior and was not fired.  The Conservative Party has charged that this is “hush money” being paid by the Liberal Party (otherwise known as the taxpayer division). 

It’s not so “hushed” any more.  But as I always suggest to my Canadian compatriots:  Think about what it is you DON’T know about these people, the liberal-left.

Joel Johannesen
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