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CNN: election could spell end of “center-left” Liberal rule

Click to see bigger versionI note how CNN calls the Liberals “center-left”, the NDP “leftists”, and the Conservatives….. “Conservatives”!

Not “Extreme Right Wingers”?  No!
Not “Neo-Cons”?  No!
Not “Religious-Right Dingbats”?  No!
Not “Barbarians” (à la Vancouver Mayor cum Senator Larry Campbell)?  No!

Conservatives.  Just Conservatives. 

And they quoted Conservative leader Stephen Harper without getting a rebuttal or opposing academic elite opinion from a left-wing state-employed university professor from Ontario.

No really. 

“This is not just just the end of a tired, directionless, scandal-plagued government. It’s the start of a bright new future for this great country,” Harper said

I also note, because I’m a pain in the arse, that they typed “just just”, just as I typed it above, in Stephen Harper’s quote…

And get a load of how ends their (Associated Press) story which was also picked-up by MSNBC.COM:

The Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper joined with the New Democratic and Bloc Quebecois parties to bring down the government — prompting the first Christmas and winter campaign in mostly Christian Canada in 26 years.

And in the MSNBC version, they get an opinion from …. can you guess?  Grace Skogstad, a political science professor at the University of Toronto.  And can you guess whose side she’s on?

“It’s going to be those last three weeks after Jan. 1 that are going to matter,” said Skogstad, who believes the Liberals will win another minority government. “For the Liberals, they are going to try to put all the focus on the economy, which is doing phenomenally well.”

Still having trouble?  Well they also asked Andrew Stark, a political science professor at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, but he only confirmed that the election would be decided in the final days.  Thank God for these leftist university professors from Canada’s state-run liberal-left academia!  And the media thanks them too!  What a tag team they’re going to be…. again!

Joel Johannesen
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