Monday, June 17, 2024

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Clinton to make a special effort of some sort to appeal to blacks.

image Passing thought…

Does this article (National Post Feb. 1 2008) not strike you as hideous on some level? 

If as a candidate you’re so “progressive” and you’re such a color-blind “inclusive” woman of the people, then why (or for that matter, how) would you seek to specifically “woo blacks”?  Why not just appeal to Americans through good policy ideas that appeal to all Americans?  Are there policies and cool-sounding words and bromides—perhaps that famous put-on black accent that she’s spoken with in the past when in front of black audiences— that Clinton thinks the black-folk would cotton onto?  I guess so. 

For his part, Barrack Hussein Obama doesn’t need to change anything he says in order to appeal to women, specifically. 




Joel Johannesen
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