Sunday, May 12, 2024

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Christmas holiday political web site diversion tactic #1

At another web site I started way back before Al Gore invented the internet, we had a thing we called a “never-ending story” in our discussion forums.  It was fun and exciting even though it wasn’t sponsored by the state in any way and had no Liberal-left state sponsorship logo of official gov't benevolence mark of liberal-left state sponsorship and official big leftist government benevolence on it. 

Someone would start a storyline, and others would add to it—a paragraph or so—ensuring that they leave it real easy for the next person to continue on with it.  The stories did in fact end when they got too stupid or hard to add anything to, but the best ones lasted weeks and weeks with lots of funny or interesting or just plain um, additions from different people. 

Fun was had by all.

So I’ll start one for our Christmas time amusement.  You’ll have to be registered at PTBC to participate (maybe this would be a good reason to register?), but anybody can read the story(ies), registered or not.  It will be located in our ProudToBeCanadian Town Square Forums in a new, separate forum there which we’ve named “Good Righting”.

Being a political web site, I’ll start one on a political sort of theme, but of course where it ends, nobody knows.  If after a good effort it goes nowhere, someone can start a new one using a different storyline. 

Once upon a time, a liberal fella (or woman —we’re not sure, and to liberals “gender” is meaningless and unfair and “judgmental”, so we officially don’t have the foggiest idea but we’ll assume male for the time being) named P.W. France du Fromage- (hyphen) Johnson walked into a store called

Atheist Depot

where the motto is “Lots of cheap trendy junk for secular-progressives!  Families welcome—just kidding!”.  His “mission” (in the pacifist non-war non-Christian secular sense of course):  To buy some “seasonal gifts” for folks.

Luckily it was late Sunday morning and lots of people were at church or with their families (in the non-liberal traditional Canadian sense), so fewer people than otherwise witnessed the whole affair that would unfold. 

But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, a bit more background on P.W. France du Fromage- (hyphen) Johnson first.

Joel Johannesen
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