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Thursday, February 27, 2025
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Normal Christmas greetings welcomed and celebrated like normal folks at normal places…

You’ve all heard me yammer about the PC secular progressives with their heads up their butts trying their hardest to avoid using the word “Christmas” in every “seasonal greeting” (less this year because I believe we’ve all but won that battle in the culture wars now).

But you want a little respite from all the crap?;  from all that strained, cringe-worthy, sickening, and demoralizing pathological PC-itis?; or to put it another way, a break from the liberal-left progressives and their secular progressive idiocy?  Good!  Me too. 

Just in time, and just as they did during Thanksgiving, and, I might add, notable Jewish dates, Fox News puts itself right out there and, in bold colors, celebrates actual Christmas

This is a typical screen capture of a couple of frames at Fox News Channel interspersed in their commercials and what not:

Ahh.  That’s nice.  And as I take a sip o’ my rum ‘n eggnog and watch John Stossel’s excellent documentary about how ridiculous government and all their stupid regulations and projects and programs are, it’s a breath of fresh, relaxing, normal, clean un-PC air. 

There is hope for the liberal media!  I looked up that particular passage in the Bible and Hark!  The Bible aims to please.  (Hey could that be a new Christmas Carol?  “Hark!  The Bible Aims To Please!”) 

The agenda-driven liberal-left Obamamania media, which we correctly mock for treating Barack Hussein Obama as their Messiah, could use this same Luke 2:8-14 passage from the Bible in their Christmas greetings, because the next line after “…born to you” (in the NIV version) is actually:  “he is the Messiah”.  Possibly they could superimpose an image of Obama atop the words.

Joel Johannesen
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