Thursday, May 2, 2024

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Chevy Chase: foul-mouthed, arrogant, disrespectful, un-funny liberal

Another Hollywood political genius, Chevy Chase, made a complete ass of himself last night.  Soon, every two-bit overpaid Hollywood employee like Chase will be deemed “an ass”—simply by virtue of the fact that they are manifestly an ass.  Soon there will be no more use for their “acting” skills. 

But wait:  Is it just me, or is it a fact that every Hollywood liberal who comes out swinging against Bush and everything conservative is a has-been, or close to it, or their career is on the rocks—ie., they’re talentless? 

After actors Alec Baldwin and Susan Sarandon delivered speeches accepting their Defender of Democracy awards, Chase took the stage a final time and unleashed a rant against President Bush that stunned the crowd. He deployed the four-letter word that got Vice President Cheney in hot water, using it as a noun. Chase called the prez a “dumb [expletive].” He also used it as an adjective, assuring the audience, “I’m no [expletive] clown either. . . . This guy started a jihad.”

Chase also said: “This guy in office is an uneducated, real lying schmuck . . . and we still couldn’t beat him with a bore like Kerry.”

People for the American Way distanced itself yesterday from the actor’s rant. “Chevy Chase’s improvised remarks caught everyone off guard, and were inappropriate and offensive,” Ralph Neas, the liberal advocacy group’s president, said in a statement. “It was not what I would have said, and certainly not the language People for the American Way would ever use in discussing any president of the United States.”

Founder Norman Lear agreed, telling us: “I thought it was utterly untoward, obviously unexpected and unscripted and all that stuff. And, uh—it was Chevy Chase. He’ll live with it, I won’t.”

Sen. Tom Daschle, the former minority leader, looked taken aback when he went on directly after Chase. His opening line: “I’ve had to follow a lot of speakers, but—”

The movie star didn’t return for a curtain call or to savor dessert at the reception after the event. We were told he hurt his back and needed to call it a night by 9. Chase’s PR rep told us yesterday she was unable to reach him.

Meanwhile, the other host of the evening, the newly blond Cynthia Nixon [Sex and the City slut], told us she had a more gracious message for Bush: “Don’t just listen to people who are telling you yes, listen to the people who are telling you no!”[*]

* Good advice, Nixon.  Take it yourself:  “No”.

Joel Johannesen
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