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Sunday, March 9, 2025
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CBC won’t answer my question

The Ontario Liberals’ tacit admission that they totally disrespect you Ontario peons and that they are a complete and utter joke, this morning, made me remember another bad joke:  the liberals’ state-run CBC. 

Several weeks ago, when the state-run multi-gazzillion-dollar people’s web site spent untold amounts of money to change the look (and feel!—they’re liberals!) of


“our” web site,  they asked for questions and comments about it, and provided a form for just that purpose. 

Here’s a link—this set of pages alone cost plenty of highly-paid-by-taxpayers CBC union staff time. 

I asked a question:  “How much did all this cost?”  Seemed like a reasonable question from a taxpayer.  I never mentioned that I’ve been spending the past few weeks changing the look (and functionality!—we’re conservative!) of this ProudToBeCanadian web site, all alone, with no taxpayer money and no staff, and that I know full well how much it costs in terms of time and money to do a thing like that.  (When I “launched” the first phase of our transition to our “new look”, I made a blog entry called “New Look”, saying “this is a new look, please email me if it looks stupid” or words to that effect, since I lacked the taxpayer funding and unionized staff). 

I still haven’t received a response from the state-employed bureaucrats.  Maybe they’re crunching the numbers.  Or maybe they flushed the numbers down the toilet to make it less available.  Let’s hope they used low-flow toilets, so we can simply grab them out of the bowl. 

But that’s value for money isn’t it?  We pay ‘em, they virtually flip us the bird when we ask tough questions. 

I plan to write to the CBC “ombudsman” to request an explanation as to why my question has not been answered, and of course to ask for an answer to my question.  That will cost


you even more money.  Sorry ‘bout that.  I mean well.

Joel Johannesen
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