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CBC reporter explains that it would be “better” if burqa-wearing women became “commonplace”?


”[T]here will always be some level of ignorance…” the CBC reporter intones, somewhat ironically from my standpoint since I see massive ignorance all day long at the CBC.  But she was talking about ignorance not from her or the CBC, but rather from amongst us normal Canadian plebeians, of course.  This was all in her asinine news report on the state-owned, socialism-reliant and ever so politically-correct and diversity ‘n multicult ural-loving CBC, on its News Network secretariat. 

The CBC conducted a poll (obviously paid for by taxpayers), to determine largely nothing, but I suppose it was based on what a different division of the government, Statistics Canada, already concluded, which was that heritage or traditional or “white” Canadians (i.e., from European stock…) are becoming less common, especially in our big cities, and may actually become the minority in places like Vancouver, very soon, at our current rate of immigration. Which, by our very silence and non-protest, clearly indicates most of us accept, happily.  Or it wouldn’t happen.  image They will be replaced by visible minorities like Chinese, East Indians, Arabs, and non-white immigrant groups.  So the CBC thereby chose to measure our collective “tolerance” anyway, at our great expense, and of course it proves utterly nothing whatsoever that we didn’t already know. 

But here’s how the CBC reporter on the scene strained to explain their poll results, after speaking to sundry Canadian non-white men and women-(and presumably “other”)-on-the-street folks.  And it leads me to wonder if she thinks it would be “better” (since “better” was her word) if burqa-wearing Muslims became “commonplace” (as one of her burqa-wearing interviewees told her was now the case) in Canada.  Here’s part of what she said:

“…But as you mentioned by 2031, according to Stats Canada, one in three Canadians will be part of a visible minority group, so the sooner we change perceptions more, because as we say this latest poll shows that our perceptions are changing for the better but there still is discrimination so there still is work to be done, but the people I spoke to really felt that a lot —that one woman spoke about wearing a burqa to school ten years ago and feeling quite alone, and now it’s commonplace —  so the more we see that, the better!  So we’ll see what the result four years from now how this poll changes if we do it again! …”

(I did warn you it was strained, but that’s the CBC.) 

EXTRA COINKIDINK (or just dink)
Watch official state funny funny!  The state media’s precious Little Mosque on the Prairie “sitcom” is on CBC tonight.  Oh yay.  Maybe they’ll learn me how to behave!

Topic already reported and covered beautifully in the private-sector!  Buy Mark Steyn’s fantastic, massive best-selling book —one of the best of the decade —called “America Alone”.  And here’s another thing:  Canada: Make Babies!

Joel Johannesen
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