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CBC leftist, anti-conservative opinion columnist Neil Macdonald drips with anti-Christian sarcasm

image  With his snotty, condescending headline “God’s running mate in 2012?”, and sub-headlines throughout it such as “Revenge of the bumpkins”, and “Ideologically impure”, the far-leftist taxpayer-paid political opinion columnist employed at the state-run, state-owned news media writes on the state-owned, taxpayer-paid web site that the last time he heard so much talk about God, he was in Iran. 

Really.  It’s weird because the last time I heard the expression “state-owned media”, they were talking about Iran’s. 

The self-esteemed and straining to appear erudite Neil Macdonald was, of course, writing about none other than the favorite punching bag of all leftists (aside from Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, George Bush, and God,) the CPAC convention —an annual, fun, rallying convention of American conservatives made famous by the likes of Ronald Reagan and his glorious keynote speeches about conservatives advancing the movement by being actual conservatives, and moving their ideas forth using “bold colors” rather than “pale pastels”.  So I’m sure poor Neil Macdonald’s tortuous experience was exactly the same as being in Iran.

Macdonald dismisses people whose ideology he is afraid of or hates, like this:

…So, one of the two big contenders for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination has decided it’s time to dispense with this notion about the rule of law in America.

In Tim Pawlenty’s view, the president isn’t in charge, nor is Congress or the judiciary, nor even all three.

Nope. His exact words: “God’s in charge.” And that, he said, should be the first principle of governing in the United States.

I haven’t heard a politician put it quite so bluntly since my assignments in Iran a decade ago.

When I hear pronouncements like that here, I always try to imagine the reaction if a leading candidate in Canada or Great Britain or even deeply Catholic France said the same thing.

Here, it nearly went unnoticed. …

Yes and I’m so sure Governor Tim Pawlenty meant that America should turn into a “theocracy” identical to Iran’s.  Macdonald’s are the talking points of leftist zealots like Rosie O’Donnell or at the Daily Kos —or the CBC.

In summing-up America’s fiscal problems (which were caused largely by the philosophical likes of him and his Church of Liberalism progressives) how does this typical progressive end his slay-all-conservatives-who-believe-in-God opinion column?  By regurgitating, once again, their sacred mantra:  government, yummy government, and still more government, is the answer to all things, and God has utterly no role in this and should really get out of the damn way.

“And politicians, not God, will have to take responsibility,” he intones.

Well then.

Perhaps Macdonald should read the constitution of Canada and its Charter of Rights, someday.  It begins like this:


Whereas Canada is founded upon the principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law… 

Or perhaps sing our national anthem, “O Canada”, one day, in which he’ll be forced to utter the words:

“God keep our land glorious and free!”

In the meantime, Macdonald —and the CBC itself — should do what conservatives espouse, and take responsibility for themselves and their own ignorance, even if, ironically, the sustaining partner binding him to his odious bullhorn, the God-awful CBC, is in fact politicians.  It’s no wonder he prostrates to them rather than to God.

Also see these blog entries:

“Antidotes to left-wing Obama-apologist stupidity at CBC —free at citizen-owned and paid-for PTBC!”

“State-owned, socialism-reliant CBC “reporter”/opinion-writer Neil Macdonald:  bigoted left-wing ass”

“State-owned CBC reporter suggests to Canadian news audience that Americans start paying more taxes”

Joel Johannesen
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  1. I read a CBC national RSS news feed on my smartphone. Every few days I get a link to one of McDonald’s extreme leftist conservative-hating screeds. Funny how I never see editorials come through on CBC from the other side of the fence. CBC is using my tax dollars to reward this knee-jerk liberal for ridiculing everything I believe in and stand for.

    Time to sell the CBC and let McDonald’s ideas compete in the free market rather than force all Canadians to pay for opinions we find abhorrent.

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