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Canadian Medical Association wades outside of North Korean-style healthcare

Doctors support private health system

The Canadian Medical Association threw its support behind a parallel, private health-care system Wednesday.

In what was a historic vote for the influential organization, delegates decided by a two-to-one margin that patients should be able to go outside the public health-care plan and use private insurance if they can’t get necessary medical care quickly enough.

Big deal.  28 countries in the western developed world are way, way ahead of you, doc—some have been there for decades already now.  And all of them provide “universal access”, just like Canada does.  I do appreciate you trying to catch up now, though.  Thanks.  Thanks a bunch.

In some countries, organizations like nurses unions are so enlightened and up-to-speed that they actively participate in the private side by investing in and building and running private health clinics—as a business!  Almost like they have “freedom” in those countries!  And almost like they aren’t communists!  I know!  It’s wacky!  And hey whaduyaknow, healthcare in those countries can run laps around our decrepit, North Korean-style healthcare system, even while taxpayers pay far less for it.  But I know, that kind of talk is anti-liberal-left blasphemy in Canada. 

Can you just imagine such unions participating in a free-market enterprise and helping to build and make progress in that way in this country?  My sides split open and ache with laughter, and yet I can’t get treatment for the pain….

That kind of enlightened thinking might happen here the day our liberal-leftist “leaders” (again with the laughter) such as the minister of North Korean-style healthcare, Ujjal Dosanjh, who sounds very much like a communist to me, allows and encourages an honest debate in this country about our healthcare system, as opposed to the deceitful and mendacious debate they try to lead Canadians into every day. 

Of course they’re against that because it exposes the liberal-left and their ridiculous, ideologically-driven, socialist system as the utter farce that it is and has been for decades, rendering them as all but useless as a political entity (as well it should).

Fortunately, we’re still allowed to vote the liberal-left out of existence.

Joel Johannesen
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