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Canadian told by employer: “Don’t say merry Christmas.”

From my inbox:

Hi Joel,

I know you’ve done articles before about the war on Christmas, and although I wish to remain somewhat anonymous because I am still working for this company, I wanted to let you know that the Canadian company … just sent out an email to its employees forbidding the use of ”Merry Christmas” over the phones to customers, or via email/chat. I’ve attached a relevant screenshot. Feel free to (and please do) publish this as you wish.

Thanks, and have a merry Christmas and happy New Year.


Apparently the company in question is clueless.  Sadly, I am one of their customers. But luckily, both cluelessness and my being their customer can both change. Easily.

Here’s some clues for the clueless:

1. For one thing, Christmas is a federal holiday. A legal, national, statutory, government-sanctioned, federal holiday for all the people in Canada. The company is Canadian. Hello.

2. Christmas is, by historic fact, whether that company likes it or not (and I guess they don’t), a favorite Canadian tradition dating back to Canada’s very beginnings. It might even be Canada’s most favorite tradition. The company purports to be Canadian, not North Korean, a country where Christmas is not allowed to be celebrated, because they’re led by an authoritarian dictatorship which mandates an intolerant, mono-cultural, communist, atheist state with no freedom whatsoever. That’s why we choose Canada.

3. Studies have been done proving that people prefer to be greeted by “merry Christmas” rather than “happy holidays.” Here’s one!  Here’s another one!

• One of those links is about a Canadian poll done just last year, which says 76% of Canadians prefer “merry Christmas” over “happy holidays” (17%) or worse, “season’s greetings” (3%)

• Another one says 68% Prefer “Merry Christmas” to “Happy Holidays.”

• Yet another poll says this:

81% Who Celebrate Christmas Celebrate as a Religious Holiday

Sunday, December 11, 2011

More Americans than ever say they celebrate the upcoming holiday of Christmas as a religious one.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 88% of American Adults say they celebrate Christmas, and 81% of this group celebrate it as a religious holiday. Just 16% of those celebrants regard it as a secular holiday.

This comes on the heels of a poll which suggests that 70% of Americans prefer to be greeted with “Merry Christmas” rather than “Happy Holidays.”

4.   Do a survey asking non-Christians if they are offended by “merry Christmas” in any way, shape, or form. I will personally give you the shirt off my back if you find they are offended in any way, shape, or form.

5.  Wise-up, all you people who issue all these idiotic mandates. Nobody appreciates this nutty, PC-fundamentalist zealotry —  in fact people are mostly offended by it. That includes both your customers, and your employees. I know this, because I’ve been tracking this for years, in a serious way, and have documented much of it, and I can’t even count all the emails I’ve received  —  none of which laments “Merry Christmas.”  Exactly the opposite.

Obviously the supposedly Canadian company doesn’t care about Canadian laws, its great and beloved traditions, or even the polls scientifically documenting how Canadians feel. What kind of a business is that?  If the company prefers instead to maintain some weird PC-fundamentalist cult-like behavior, then they are just a very poorly-run business.

Merry Christmas


 UPDATE – Friday Dec 6 2013:

Today’s trending Twitter hashtags don’t include #holidays. But does include #Christmas. But then I suppose Twitter isn’t very popular or anything.



 UPDATE Wednesday Dec 11, 2013

“75% Think Christmas Should Be Celebrated in Public Schools”

Despite school administrators’ concerns nationwide, Americans strongly believe that Christmas should be a part of public schools. They feel just as strongly that religious symbols should be allowed on public property.

Seventy-five percent (75%) of American Adults think Christmas should be celebrated in public schools, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% disagree, while 10% are not sure.


Joel Johannesen
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