Wednesday, May 1, 2024

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Canada exhibits strength and leadership. (Harper was elected).

National leader with sense of vigor and commitment to democracy and big guns but with promise of more new modern military firepower and soldiers to come gets promise of religious freedom from other leader over a phone chat. 

Liberals amazed.  No film at eleven.

PMO news release:

Statement by the Prime Minister on the Raham case and freedom of religion in Afghanistan

March 22, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement after the conclusion of his telephone call to Afghanistan President Karzai.

“I called President Karzai today to express my deep concerns regarding the Raham case and the issue of freedom of religion in Afghanistan.

President Karzai listened to my concerns and we had a productive and informative exchange of views.

Upon the conclusion of the call, he assured me that respect for human and religious rights will be fully upheld in this case.”

No, of course I’m not holding my breath, no, not even a little.  Trust but verify, a famous former liberal turn conservative once said.

In this case, they simply pretend that suddenly Raham is “insane” and therefore they can’t put him on trial for abandoning the state-enforced dogma—a familiar refrain from communists and Islamofascist nations everywhere.

Joel Johannesen
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