Thursday, May 2, 2024

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Bye bye Bob! Hello Bob! Now bye bye again!

Bare-Ass Bob Rae sure has a weird campaign strategy for winning the Liberal leadership race. 

I was wrong about everything I ever stood for, I made massive mistakes that nearly bankrupted Canada’s biggest industrial province, and then I lost the following election because I was such an abysmal failure and voters despised me, then joined a party I used to mock as being nuts.  Vote for Bob!

Then again the cabal of voters he has to work with have some weird ideas too, and that’s when they’re not high on pot.  So it’s not impossible that the socialist turned less socialist (depending on whom he’s addressing on any given day) could win this thing.

Naturally the liberals’ media takes it all in stride and questions nothing.  One headline reads simply “Rae says he learned from mistakes as premier”.  Well then.  Harper still has a big belly, that “dog” thing won’t go away, and God knows every Christian is still a Christian if they’re Conservative.  But Bob is OK now.

Meanwhile, as if to admit that the only way left to dispel the calamitous negatives of all the Liberal leadership material, the race has been reduced to who got to revealing the negative crap first? 

This is an actual quote from the sometimes Bare-Assed one:

“I have the advantage in this race … all my negatives were well-known from the beginning.”

That’s now considered an “advantage” in the Liberal race.  Go team!

Citing as a plus his minuses, Rae also told a business audience in Toronto yesterday: “I did run a government that borrowed a lot of money and then lost an election.”  Yay me!  I’m a total loser in every which way!  A vote for Bob is a vote for a loser! Vote for Bob!  Mind you this was Toronto.  In Calgary this wouldn’t play nearly so well. 

Other than that, of course, he admits that he no longer thinks like an extreme leftist—a socialist—at least not on economic matters (Bob’s official campaign slogan and mantra:  “fool me once;  yadda.”).  No sir, he now says he’s seen the conservative fiscal light and thinks lowering taxes and keeping a lid on spending is de rigueur.  Liberals are nothing if not trendy. 

Of course in this instance he was speaking to a business audience.  When speaking to the Canadian Auto Workers union, I guarantee he’ll be wearing a brown shirt, jeans, and making union boss Buzz Hargrove, who recently wrote that he aims to end capitalism in Canada and turn our country into a socialist state, feel right at home in Buzz’s adopted party of choice, the Liberals. 
Gerry Nicholls of the National Citizens Coalition wrote on his blog this morning about how Bob Rae was told by a National Citizens Coalition-sponsored group, that under no uncertain terms (by way of a giant billboard the size of Ontario’s deficit at the time), that he and his socialism was a failure.  Socialism didn’t work.  And he points out how if Bob Rae truly wanted to fully repent, he should complete the job and come right out and tell the National Citizens Coalition that they were right all along. 

Seeing as Buzz Hargrove once called the NCC a “secret society”, I double dare him to do it at CAW speaking engagement.

Joel Johannesen
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