Thursday, May 2, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Bothers of the same mother

The Globe and Mail excitedly writes-up a glowing report of the big CTV television network’s fall lineup, and writes as if the CTV is the be-all end-all and, well, forgot to mention that their article is slightly biased.  The Globe and Mail and the CTV are owned by the same company, Bell Globemedia. 

I think they might have mentioned that so you know that the “news” you’re reading is totally biased to the extent that any semblance to balance and objectivity remains firmly up their collective arses. 

This serves as a helpful reminder about how you should read any mention of politics from these people.  They never bother to mention that they’re liberals’ liberals.  Maybe they just assume you know that by now.  But compare how they talk about CTV and how they talk about Liberals.  It’s largely the same. 

Here’s a passage from the Globe and Mail’s oh-so-objective CTV love-fest article in which they fail to mention even once that they’re owned by the same company. 

CTV’s chief executive Ivan Fecan couldn’t help himself. He had to gloat. And when it came right down to the nitty-gritty detail of the ratings, who could blame him?

Fecan took the stage at Toronto’s Royal Alexandra Theatre yesterday to unveil his network’s new fall season and rhymed off a seemingly unending list of accomplishments, capped off with the fact that CTV is the prime-time king with viewers, capturing three key selling demographics.

Fecan, who has run CTV almost nine years, said this past spectacular year has been his best yet, adding that the private broadcaster was top-rated on all seven nights (up from five); and placed 18 of Canada’s top 20 shows (up from 14 last year). [… and on and on and on …]

Joel Johannesen
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