Monday, June 17, 2024

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BC NDP suspends reality: forces women, gay, handicapped and minority candidates on voters

What kind of people do this?  Isn’t this what they do in North Korea and Cuba and China?  And aren’t they against that? 

The NDP tribe in BC sound like far left wing politically-correct fundamentalists and lunatics on crack to me, although to be fair, I’m sure they’re not on crack.  I sort of wish they were because it would help explain their insanity. 

VICTORIA—The B.C. New Democratic Party has picked 20 ridings that will be reserved exclusively for women or minority candidates in the next May’s provincial election.

The list—which sets aside 15 ridings for women and five for under-represented candidates, such as visible minorities, homosexuals and people with disabilities—is the result of a controversial decision made at the party’s convention last year.

Members voted to set up an affirmative action program to select candidates. The party decided to designate 30 per cent of constituencies not currently represented by a New Democrat for female candidates, and an additional 10 per cent for so-called under-represented groups.

… Each riding will receive an extra $5,000 from the party to help raise the candidate’s profile in the community. …

NDP reserves 20 ridings for women, minorities
Vancouver Sun
Sept 12 2008



Joel Johannesen
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