Sunday, May 5, 2024

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Australian Muslim cleric says: white women dress like uncovered meat - should now wear hijab


In their ongoing effort to turn every country they move to into a Muslim country suitable to them instead of melting into and adapting to the country they moved to, some Muslims like this Australian cleric are once again helping to explain this phenomenon to the liberal-left multiculturalist cult who still don’t understand it.

He explains it with as much elegance as a cow.

Australia fury at cleric comments

Australia’s most senior Muslim cleric has prompted an uproar by saying that some women are attracting sexual assault by the way they dress.

Sheikh Taj el-Din al-Hilali said women who did not wear a hijab (head dress) were like “uncovered meat”.

But he has now apologised for any offence caused by his comments, The Australian newspaper reports.

Leading Muslim women condemned the comments and PM John Howard said the remarks were “appalling”.

“The idea that women are to blame for rapes is preposterous,” Mr Howard told reporters.

In a statement released on Thursday, Sheikh Hilali said he had been quoting another, unnamed, source and did not mean his words to condone rape.

“I unreservedly apologise to any woman who is offended by my comments. I had only intended to protect women’s honour,” the statement published in The Australian said.

“Women in our Australian society have the freedom and the right to dress as they choose.

“Whether a man endorses or not a particular form of dress, any form of harassment of women is unacceptable.”

… but apparently he’s sticking with his meat reference.  They’re still like uncovered meat.  Meat.  That’s the word he chose to describe what he finds alluring to most men.  Apparently he thinks most men go for raw “meat” when they choose their women to date or, you know “date” in the manner to which he alludes. 

The butcher went on:

“If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside… and the cats come and eat it… whose fault is it, the cats’ or the uncovered meat?” he asked.

The uncovered meat is the problem, he went on to say.

“If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab, no problem would have occurred,” he added.

Here’s a hijab for you gals who are interested in not being prime “meat” alluring to some Muslim males.  I chose this picture because (A) it’s described as an “Egyptian hijab”, and the cleric (you know, Sheikh Taj el-Din al-Hilali) is of Egyptian origin; and (B) it’s on sale at e-Bay! —OOPS sorry gals it was sold—for $7.99— to someone in Canada! 

I’m sure it’s all a misunderstanding.  Oh but there’s this:

Sheikh Hilali’s critics have previously accused him of praising suicide bombers and claiming the attacks in the United States on 11 September 2001 were “God’s work against oppressors”.

(Hat tip to The Patriot for the news item)

Joel Johannesen
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