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Attackers are “Asians”, not “Canadians”, or even “Asian-Canadians”

A man moves to Canada from Poland with his family 5 months ago and tries to live a good life.  He goes to the store to buy some milk, his 5-DAY-old baby waiting at home.  On the way back home, carrying his milk, twenty “Asian” youths, for absolutely no reason at all whatsoever, swarm him and beat him senseless then leave him in a pool of blood. 

Go Canada. 

But aside from the tragic story of this poor man, which left me dumbstruck for about five minutes, what struck me about this news item was the fact that suddenly the attackers were not “Asian-Canadian”, merely “Asian”.  That’s a little like calling O.J. Simpson “African”. 

In order for the liberal-left’s yearning to enforce the notion that we live in a “multicultural mosaic”, it is common practice, it seems to me, that nearly all immigrants into Canada be described as ( _____ ) -Canadians or hyphenated Canadians.  In fact even those who have always lived here end up with a hyphen before “Canadian”.  For example, Alberta’s new Lieutenant-Governor was said to be “Asian-Canadian” despite his being born and raised here and never having lived in Asia.  The liberals want everyone to be a culture other than “Canadian”. 

But in this instance, when the people in question are attacking an innocent resident, they’re called “Asians”.  Not “Asian-Canadians”, and certainly not “Canadians”. 

The liberals’ “mosaic”, “hyphenated-Canadian” plan isn’t so warm and fuzzy in instances such as these.  But liberals aren’t racist, see? 

A Richmond man bloodied in a vicious swarming begged the thugs to stop beating him as he lay on the ground with a carton of milk for his five-day-old baby.

Police said a mob of “20 cowards” pounced on the man for no apparent reason while he was taking a shortcut to his home after buying the milk late Wednesday night.

“The victim begged them to stop because he was a new father,” RCMP spokesman Cpl. Peter Thiessen said yesterday.

[…] The man, a recent immigrant, “looked behind him and saw about 20 Asian males beginning to run toward him [according to Thiessen …]

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(my bolding)

Joel Johannesen
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